Happy Birthday Wisher

Wishing you happiness in your old age, uncle
My sweet, intelligent, and funny
goddaughter, today I am sending you all
my love as you turn one year older!

A very happy birthday to you, my dear!
Wishing you all the goodness in life that our Almighty Creator so tenderly graces us with. Happy birthday to you today!
I don’t just admire and respect you
because you’re older than me; I have
so much admiration for you because
of who you are.

You really are a very special person.

I hope your birthday today warms
your heart with all the love and
happiness in the world.
Happy birthday, sweetheart!

I’m wishing you the most wonderful day,
as you’re the most wonderful person!

Your loving-kindness personality says
so much about you. You know all of my
flaws and imperfections, yet you love
me unconditionally anyway!

You’re a very special person with a
huge heart, and I am so fortunate to
be loved by such a kind, caring and
gentle human being.

Have a beautiful day with all of the people
who love and appreciate you, my love!
Happy birthday to an amazing school
friend like no other!

Thank you for being such a supportive
classmate. Just having you around gives
me all the inspiration and motivation I
need to work hard and get great grades!
You continue to blossom into the beauty that you are year after year, my dear! Wishing you a spectacular birthday, my beautiful best friend!
Happy birthday to my handsome
husband who still isn’t showing
his age, or acting it either!

I guess really I’m lucky my hubby
hasn’t changed and that he’s still
the same great man I met and fell
in love with all those years ago!
Stop everything! It’s the birthday of
my lover boy today!

Such a special and important day
of someone equally wonderful is
more than worthy of all the attention!

Happy birthday, my love. I’m sending
you lots of birthday hugs and kisses,
and here’s hoping you have the
birthday celebration you deserve!
Happy birthday to a great man who never fails to make me smile and fill me with joy!

Your amazing sense of humour always makes me laugh! In you, not only do I have an outstanding godfather, but I also have an incredible friend.

Enjoy your special day today!
On your birthday,
I wanted you to know
that I am so fortunate
not only to have such
a strong female figure
in my life, but also
the most reliable,
trustworthy friend
I could wish for.

You are an inspiration
to many, including me!

Have the absolute best
day, you lovely lady!
There's no better teacher or role model
than a kind, caring, and supportive big
brother. I’m so fortunate and truly
blessed that I’ve always had that in you.

I’m wishing you an incredible birthday
today and an absolutely wonderful
year ahead, my dear brother.
Happy 10th birthday! You’re really growing up now, my dear! 

I hope you enjoy your first two-digit birthday - the first of many more to come!
A beautiful princess was born
Today, I want to raise a glass and make a toast to a very special someone!

I wholeheartedly wish you all the happiness in life, which is nothing short of what you deserve.

Here’s to you on your special day! Cheers!
The proud parent of a 21-year-old girl
A best friend who is
As super cool as you
Deserves pre-birthday wishes
That are truly awesome too!

Happy birthday in addy to you, bestie!
I know your secret, girlfriend! Out of all the messages you receive on your birthday today, I know mine is the only message you’re really interested in!

Happy birthday, sweetie. I hope your special day is as special as you are to me, and as special as I am to you!
Our love story is cute 
And so very unique
It’s my absolute favorite 
One of all.
And as we continue 
On our journey
Know that I’m in it 
For the long haul!

I’m sending sweet 
Birthday wishes to you
Today with all my love, 
My sweetheart!
You are my heart and my pride and joy, son
A girl who always brings a smile to my face
You are as special as can be
Cheesy birthday wishes for my girlfriend
Happy birthday in advance, birthday boy! I have so many wishes full of love and too much excitement to wait until your actual birthday to send them!
Happy birthday to my bestie! For a friend as wonderful as you, I’m wishing for this year to be your best one yet!