Happy Birthday Wisher

A friend and a brother
Happy birthday to the person who
gives me a reason to smile each day,
the person who puts a spring in my step
and who I can’t stop thinking about
every moment of every day.

You make me feel giddy like
I’m a teenager once again!

You’re my lover and my best friend,
and you make every single day feel
like I’m floating on cloud 9.

Wishing a very happy birthday to my
adorable little niece! You are like a
second daughter to me, dear!
I can’t believe you’re 70! You don’t look a day over 69! I’m only joking with you, you’ve never looked better! Happy birthday!
My sweet cousin, you’re as dear 
and meaningful to me as any sister
and just as annoying as one, too!

May you have a fabulous birthday!
Simply being related to me would be enough of a gift in itself, but you lucked out with the double bonus of being my twin brother! Happy birthday to us!
Never let anything daunting prevent you from pursuing your dreams, my dear.

You're so strong-minded and determined that you’re capable of achieving every single dream that your heart desires!

Wishing you a very happy birthday today and a fantastic year ahead!
Girl, you’re the big yellow sunshine
in my life that warms my heart and
brightens my days!

I’m sending you the most beautiful
birthday wishes today, my lovely
best friend!
A spectacular milestone
Happy birthday to you, my dearest.

I feel blessed to have met someone as incredible as you in my lifetime. You will always be one of the few people who has truly touched my heart and left a lasting impression on me.
My love burns bright for you
Your wishes meant so much to me
Happy 2nd birthday, baby girl
May our friendship last a very long time
Happy birthday to one of my nearest
and dearest! As a friend, you’re as
close to family as they come without
being blood-related.

You’re so important to me and my
only wish for you is that you find
happiness in everything that you do. 
My favourite twin brother
Many friends in life
They come and go
But you're a forever friend
Of that I'm sure!

Happy birthday to you today,
My sweet and beautiful dear!
You mean the world to me, girlfriend
Happy birthday to someone who’s
not so much of a little girl anymore!

As you continue to grow you’re
turning into an amazing woman!
Happy birthday to the most beautiful
girl in the class!

I am so thankful to have a classmate
like you who brings so much light to
our classes.

May your birthday today be just as
bright and beautiful as you are.
I’d never forget the birthday of such an
important person who has had such a
big presence in my life!

Happy birthday, old friend!
I don’t need to write a long, romantic birthday message to tell you what a special boyfriend you are to me. I can tell you that in just three words: I love you.

Happy birthday, my gorgeous man.
An aunty who has always been there
I was overwhelmed by all the attention
My boy, you’re the light of my life