Happy Birthday Wisher

Happy 19th birthday to you today, my
beautiful daughter!

Seeing as this is your last teenage year,
make sure you cherish it and make every
day count! Continue to follow your dreams
and don’t look back on your teenage years
with any regrets, my dear!
I wish you happiness every day, uncle
Today brings me immense joy as I wish a very happy 2nd birthday to my little prince.

During the past 2 years, you’ve been the light of my life and the warmth in my heart, and you’ll continue to be forevermore, baby boy.
To one of my longest-standing friends, I wish you the very best birthday today!

We’ve been pals for as long as I can remember, and I’m so glad we’ve never lost touch over the years.

You’re a great friend that I know I can always rely on, even if sometimes we’re busy and haven’t checked in with each other for a few weeks or even a couple of months. We certainly do compensate for it over a good catch up, though!

Thank you for always being there, and for making my childhood the most fantastic, memorable years of my life. I only have happy memories of us playing together all the time as kids.

Cheers, to the most wonderful companion anyone could ask for in life!
Enjoy your day!
You can be anything you want to be, girl
Happy 20th birthday to the most fabulous friend there is! I hope your special day is as meaningful and as touching as your friendship is to me!
It’s very nearly here
Your birthday is soon
So let’s welcome it in
With a great big boom!

Happy almost birthday!
Happy birthday to the coolest godson on the face of the planet! May your birthday this year bless you with all the joy and happiness your sweet heart can handle!
My sweet, adorable little princess,
today you turn 2 and I couldn’t have
any more love in my heart for you
than I already do.

Happy birthday and may you always
be happy, baby girl. 
You're like a second mother to me
Spending your birthday at work isn’t so
bad when you get to share your special
day surrounded by friends and colleagues!

Happy birthday from all of us here!
Yet one more birthday of yours
since you passed but still I feel
your strong presence, dad.

I know you’re always around with
a caring watchful eye to keep your
daughter out of harm’s way, and
I carry that feeling in my heart
everywhere I go.
As much as I would like today all to myself, I’m also happy that I’m able to share it with my twin sister!

We’re lucky to be a part of a unique minority that has this privilege, and I’m proud to be the twin of such a wonderful human being!

Happy birthday to us and here’s to many more birthdays together, sis!
Wishing a very happy birthday to my
adorable little niece! You are like a
second daughter to me, dear!
Happy birthday to the best housemate and friend ever!

Over time, you have become much more than just a buddy I live with; you have become more like a second family to me.

Thank you for being such a great companion.
Many happy returns to a political figure like no other. Best wishes to you for the upcoming year.
Simply being related to me would be enough of a gift in itself, but you lucked out with the double bonus of being my twin brother! Happy birthday to us!
Happy birthday, girl! You’ve stuck with me
through thick and thin, never giving up
when things get tough.

I am very fortunate to have a friend like
you, and even more so for having had you
in my life since we were just little nippers!
Wishing the best birthday possible to my main girl today!

I hope you have a day filled with all the love and happiness you deserve, my lovely!
Happy birthday to my crazy friend who is always just off the wall!

I can tell that when we’re out in public together people look at me with pity for having to deal with such a nutcase!

I love you for who you are, though, and I wouldn’t change you for the world, bestie!

I hope you have an awesome birthday!
We're like two peas in a pod
A shining example of a student
Your birthday is a nostalgic time for me as it’s an opportunity to reflect back on all the beautiful memories we created together during our childhood!

It truly is heart touching to think how great my early years were because of you!

Thank you for being such a great friend back then, and still to this very day! Happy birthday to you!
May your life be blessed with happiness, son
Wishing the very happiest birthday to a new friend of mine who has made starting this new chapter in my life so much easier!

I really appreciate all of your support and friendship so far!

I’m hoping that you have a really amazing birthday, my dear friend!