Happy Birthday Wisher

Happy 18th birthday from mom and dad
I wouldn’t trade you for anything, sis
You’ve always been my sister
You’re my everyday hero, dad
Your 19th trip around the sun
Happy birthday to my most recent obsession: you! 

Don’t worry, it’s just a little crush! 

Whenever I see you, my heart starts racing and I get butterflies in my stomach. I think you are the most beautiful person and I just wanted you to know that on your special day!

Big kisses and I hope you enjoy your birthday, hot stuff!
Happy 21st birthday to someone who has a truly bright future ahead of them!

I hope you have a fantastic day!
Happy birthday, cutie! You’re not just a pretty girl; you’re the prettiest girl in the whole entire world!

I hope your birthday is as sweet and beautiful as you!
On this special occasion where we rejoice in celebration over another glorious year of your life, it’s also important to remember everything we have to be thankful for. 

I’m thankful for you, my dear, as you truly are a gift from God. 

Wishing you a very happy birthday and everlasting happiness!
I wish I could be in your arms today
You have been such a wonderful male
role model in my life; you’re a father-
figure and best friend all rolled into one.

I hope your special day today is just as
incredible as you are an uncle to me.

Happy birthday. May God bless you
today and always.
Happy birthday to a gallant guy and a wonderful friend!

You’re genuinely one of the kindest people I know and I’m wishing nothing but the very best for you today!
Happy birthday to someone so dear to me!

You’re an incredibly close friend of mine, and I am so glad that I have a wonderful person like you in my life!

I’m sending lots of love and my very best wishes your way today!
May your 20s be the best decade
A life without regret is a life well enjoyed
For a best friend as dear to me as you, I want you to know that there is no end to your greatness. The sky’s the limit for you, bestie.
Mam, your patience, dedication,
and determination have been so
inspiring to me, just as much as
your wonderful lessons have been.

I’m wishing you the happiest of
birthdays today.
On your special day my heart is longing
for you, my handsome man, as you are
currently far away. I’m counting down the
days until we are reunited, and then the
days will seem less grey.

I love you and I miss you so incredibly
much, with all of my heart. I hope you
have a happy birthday my dear boyfriend.
A little sis who is big in my heart
Happy birthday, sister. As you celebrate
your special day today, I am praying that
God blesses you with all the goodness in
this world and continues to guide you.

I'm wishing you a spectacular day that
reflects the genuine kindness of your
soul, my dear.
You’re a remarkable man, father-in-law
Wishing you a very happy birthday! You’re my favorite brother-in-law and one of my favorite people in the world.

I hope that life treats you as well as you deserve, always offering you love, success and happiness.
Huge congratulations to my incredible
wife who not only deserves a big slice
of birthday cake today, but she also
deserves a medal or a trophy for
putting up with a husband like me!

You truly are a saint, my dear!
Happy birthday to you, with love!
With you, I couldn’t
Ever be apart
For you’re the one
Who stole my heart.

Night or day, you’re
Always on my mind
You’re the greatest
Gift I could ever find.

Happy birthday,
Happy 12th birthday to you and congratulations on your last year before turning into a teen!

Watching you grow up has been a joy, but the image of you becoming a teenager is still too unreal I can barely picture it!