Happy Birthday Wisher

Happy birthday to a teacher who has
just the right balance of playfulness
and seriousness!

You’re so easy-going and all for having a
laugh, which makes your lessons the best,
but the moment someone steps out of line
something clicks in you and you come
down on them like a ton of bricks!

It’s actually quite funny to watch you go
from one extreme to the other! One
minute you’re laughing, and then the
next you could be shouting at someone!
It certainly keeps everyone on their toes!

Wishing you a calm and relaxed birthday
this year, teacher!
Sooner than you think, there will be no point in colouring your hair; it’s all going to start falling out and then you will have to buy a wig anyway. So stop worrying about the inevitable.

I wish you a spectacular and funny birthday and many more amazing days to come, dear friend!
Many happy returns to you as you turn 60 today! I’m sending you my most heartfelt congratulations as you celebrate 6 incredible decades of life.
My bday is finally in sight
It will be here very soon
But for now, I’m just waiting 
And counting down the days
Until my birthday arrives!
Today, I’m wishing a very happy birthday
to the coolest dad around!

Sure, your jokes are lame but you make
them funny in your own way and you
never fail to make me laugh!

I truly am a blessed daughter to have a
father like you!
I want to be the first to wish you a happy
birthday today, my fab classmate!

I hope you have a marvellous day full of
celebration and joy, at least as much as
you bring to the classroom.
Today, tomorrow, and 
Each day that follows
My heart will always 
Be full of love for you.

Happy birthday, sweetie. 
Happy birthday! Today, on your 6th birthday, I’m wishing you a day filled with fairytales and unicorns, my sweet girl!

You are such an adorable kid with such a marvellous imagination! I hope you never lose that fascination from the magic that comes with fantasy and wonder, my dear!
My dear grandson, there is something
very special about the love between a
grandmother and her grandchild.

It’s a unique relationship that simply
doesn’t exist between other members
of the family. It’s a strong connection of
mutual care and respect, always looking
out for each other’s best interests.

I loved you immediately, ever since the
very first moment that I saw you.

You lit up my life then and you still light
up my life no end.

I wish you the very best birthday, my
dear, and eternal happiness in everything
that you do.

Lots of love,
Happy birthday, bro! I probably don’t tell you often enough, but you’re such an important part of my life! You’re my very best friend and I truly treasure you!
For my best friend in the world
I might not look forward to school
each day, but I definitely look
forward to seeing my school friend!

Happy birthday, bestie! 
On your special day today, I want
to thank you for being such a kind
and supportive classmate.

High school would be much more
difficult without an inspirational
person like you by my side.

May you have a truly fantastic
birthday today.
Happy birthday to a man
Who has a heart of gold
Which only gets bigger
The more he grows old.

I’m so proud to be your son
That feeling increases each year
There's nobody else I'd rather
Have as my dear old father.
A beloved best friend like you 
who is so meaningful and true, 
deserves the best birthday possible
and a wonderful year ahead, too.

You fill my heart with happiness
I could cry many a joyful tear
When I think of all our memories
Which to me, make you so dear.

I’m wishing you the happiest of
birthdays today, my dearest friend.
Happy birthday to mommy’s little helper!

I have lots of fun activities planned for us to do together on your 4th birthday! We are going to have lots of fun today, my lovely boy!

The biggest joy in my life is seeing you happy and watching you develop as you get older. I hope you always have the desire to learn and grow!
I know you weren’t that happy about
sharing a room with me when we were
growing up, big bro, but I thought it was
the coolest thing ever.

Thank you for putting up with me.

Have a great birthday, big bro!
Coach, from showing me courage to
teaching me determination, I have
learned so many life lessons from you.

That is why you’ll always be so much
more than just a sports teacher to me.
I’m sending you the very best birthday
wishes today.
Happy birthday to you! May the Lord shine brightly upon you on this special day of yours today and bring you many blessings.

May he grant you the knowledge and strength you require in order to keep on educating and guiding the masses as wonderfully as you do!
I want to both congratulate and thank you today, mam, for you are such a wise woman from whom I have learned so much from. Happy birthday to you.
Happy 5th birthday to my
special little superstar!

I hope you have a truly
magical birthday today,
and I’m wishing you
happiness for every
year to come!

I have so much love in my
heart for you, my sweet son!
Happy birthday, miss! I’m sending lots of love your way and wishing you a beautiful birthday today!
Happy birthday for today and thank you for making my mom so happy! There’s been a twinkle in her eyes ever since she met you!
I miss you greatly all the time but especially so on your special day! I’m sending you hugs and big birthday wishes from afar today, my dear!