Happy Birthday Wisher

You are the greatest God-given gift
and I feel very blessed to be able to
share a part of your special day today.
Happy birthday to you!

You have the most wonderful aura,
giving off only positive vibes, and that
transmits to all of your loyal followers!
Cheers to the best stepdad in the world!

I hope your special day is filled with pure joy and an abundance of happiness!

Happy birthday!
Happy birthday to the only girl I trust with all of my secrets: my sister from another mister!
Happy birthday to the boss lady! Everyone is always on their very best behavior when you’re around, as you are a woman who commands respect!
As you progress through your teenage years and discover more about who you are, always remember to stay true to yourself. Happy 14th birthday, my dear.
To me, you will always be
My moon and my stars.

Happy birthday, my love.
Happy birthday to a priest who
always has time to lend an ear!

Bless you, father, for your support
means the world to me.
Happy birthday, dearest uncle! Your birthday is the perfect opportunity to take some time to reflect on what a wonderful man you are!
Thank you so much for all the birthday
messages I received today! There are
so many I can’t even count them all!

I am very touched that so many people
thought of me today, and I can say with
certainty that it really did make my day
that much more special!

Just knowing how many of my wonderful
friends, family and colleagues far and wide
remembered my birthday is so humbling.

Thank you all once again!
Today, I have the pleasure of wishing a super happy birthday to my favorite human! Our bond is as solid as a rock and as sweet as your birthday cake is hopefully going to be!

Seriously though, I couldn’t wish for a better companion and I am so proud to call you my best friend. You mean the world to me!
Your special day is here and I’m hoping that it’s as wonderful as can be.

May all that you wish for on your birthday today come true for you.
Dear student,

I have no doubt that you’re going to go
on to do marvellous things in your life,
but I’m wishing you great success in all
of your endeavours all the same!

All the very best to you as you celebrate
your birthday today!
For someone who is
very dear to my heart,
I am wishing you from afar
the very best birthday!

I hope that today
brings nothing but joy
to your heart, and that
all of your dreams and
wishes come true!

Lots of love and happy
wishes for you on your
special day, my dear!
Happy birthday to you today, my dear!

While there’s a long distance that keeps us apart physically, always know that no distance, however great or small, separates how close you are to my heart. I carry you there with me every day.
Happy birthday to my husband who is smart, funny, and gorgeous, and who reminds me a lot of myself! I guess that’s why we make the perfect pair because we share so many wonderful similarities!
Happy birthday! May Jesus bless you on this glorious day with a birthday full of love, celebration and happiness.

Remember to always show kindness and appreciation for the amazing people God gave you, sharing and rejoicing in all of life’s many wonders!
You’re not simply someone dear to me;
you’re the single most important person
in my life. I would be lost without you.

Happy birthday to you today.
Happy birthday, my friend! The world is filled with so much beauty and I pray that as much of it as possible comes your way.

You have the kindest, fullest heart out of anyone I know and you deserve only the most beautiful things in life!
Happy birthday to one of the better-
looking men I know: my boyfriend!

You're the sweetest, craziest, and
funniest person I know; you're the
whole package really! I’m looking
forward to many happy years
ahead of making each other
smile and laugh!
I have a feeling that the person of your dreams is wishing you a happy birthday today… It’s just down to you to discover who that is!

Happy birthday!
My dear stepson, today is a very
special day for it is your birthday!

Wishing you all the happiness in
the world, which is nothing short
of what you deserve.

You are a remarkable young man
and we are all so very proud of you!

Never stop being the amazing person
that you are and have a very happy
birthday, my dear!
While this distance makes it difficult for me
to get you anything for your birthday this
year, you can bet that the best gift in the
world will be right here waiting for you
when you come home: your beloved wife!

Happy birthday to you, my sweet husband!
Happy anniversary, my beautiful love!

This past year has been one of the best of my whole life, and I am so eager to see what the year ahead holds for us!

Thank you for your loving tenderness, your sweetness, and for generally being the dream girlfriend that any boyfriend would be lucky to have!

Love you loads, my sweetheart!
Happy birthday to the one I’m deeply,
madly, completely in love with!

Today’s your special day so expect
to be pampered all day long!
You know that I’ve never been one to
hold a grudge so on your birthday today,
I want to wish you the very best!

Happy birthday to you!