Top 150 Advance Happy Birthday Wishes

My dear friend, your upcoming birthday
this year has been on my mind for the
whole of this past week!

However, I’m wishing you a happy birthday
in advance this year because it’ll be typical
that I’ll run out of time on your birthday
and end up being late in wishing you well!

So, happy birthday! I hope you have a truly
wonderful day! All the very best to you!
We’ve all heard the saying that
it’s better to be late than never,
but in truth, it’s always better
to be early!

Happy birthday in advance, my
dear friend!
I know that I might not be well
known for being early, but your
birthday is so important to me
that I had to make an exception!

So, I’m wishing you a very happy
birthday in advance, my dear friend!
I wanted to send you some advanced
birthday wishes, to show you just how
important you are to me!

I hope that your special day is filled with
love and happy moments, and that you’re
able to just let loose and have a great time!

You mean so very much to me and I just
want you to have a blast on your birthday
this year!

Happy birthday in advance, my dear friend!
I wanted to be ahead of the
game this year, so happy birthday
in advance, my dear friend!

I hope that your day is filled with
happiness and all things great,
for you deserve only the very best
on your special day!
I know that your birthday is still a
little way off, but I wanted to wish
you a happy birthday in advance,
and make sure I’m the first!

I hope that your day is filled with
good times and that it turns out
to be everything you had hoped
it would be!

Sending my very best to you and
yours! Happy birthday!
As I’m forgetful, I wanted to make sure I didn’t miss your birthday! So, I'm wishing you a happy birthday in advance!
A super special friend deserves their super special birthday wishes early! Happy birthday to you in advance, my friend!
With your special day approaching, I just wanted to wish you well in advance!

It’s been on my mind recently, and the fact that I’m thinking of you even before your birthday should tell you exactly how special you are to me!
There are only hours left until it’s officially your special day, but I just can’t wait any longer to say happy birthday to you!

Besides, your first birthday wish had to come from your favorite person in the whole world, my love!
You are so special that just one day isn’t
enough time to commemorate your birth!

Instead, we need this whole week leading
up to your birthday to appreciate and
celebrate it fully!

So, here’s to the start of your birthday,
the beginning of your birth week!

Let the countdown and fun-filled days of
festivities commence! I hope you have a
blast, my dear friend!
A best friend who is
As super cool as you
Deserves pre-birthday wishes
That are truly awesome too!

Happy birthday in addy to you, bestie!
Happy birthday! I know that your birthday is tomorrow, but I couldn’t wait any longer to wish my best friend in the whole world a happy birthday!
Happy almost birthday, bestie!

You’ve already had the most special wishes now you’ve heard from the best, so on your special day, you will hear from the rest!
Your special day is just around the corner but I couldn’t wait any longer to wish you a happy birthday! May you have a truly magnificent birthday this year, best friend!

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