Happy Birthday for Babies

59 happy birthday wishes found:

Today is a very special day, for
we are celebrating the birthday
of a very special baby boy!

Happy birthday, adorable one!

You are so lucky to have the most
wonderful and caring parents to
guide you through life!

Wishing you a future filled with
happiness and love!
My sweet son,
My beautiful baby boy
Everything I am
And everything I have
Is all for you
And always will be.

Happy birthday.
Sweet boy, the joy and light you have brought into all of our lives over the past 2 years is immense. You truly are a very special blessing to us.

Happy 2nd birthday, baby boy.
It’s the 2nd birthday of
My beautiful baby boy
My sweet, special son
My everything and more. 

Happy birthday from dad. 
A super beautiful boy is turning 2 today!

May all of the joy and happiness in
the world come your way on your very
special day, and just keep multiplying
day after day!

Sending you sweet wishes, baby boy!
You turn one today, my beautiful baby boy,
and who would have thought that with just
one year of life you could have already
made such a huge impact in this world.

You are the most special thing in my
universe and my most prized creation.

I hope your days are always filled with
as much happiness as you’ve brought
to mine over the past 12 months.
Exactly one year ago to this day, I
received the greatest gift of my life
yet: a beautiful baby boy of my own!

Before you even entered this world,
my sweetheart, I already loved you
with all of my heart.

I’m wishing you a happy 1st birthday,
my special son!
Today is a super special day as it’s the
2nd birthday of my beautiful baby boy!

Another heart-touching year full of
happy memories. I am so grateful
and I have only the most heartfelt
wishes for my little prince! 
My beautiful baby boy, today is your first birthday ever.

You might not know it just yet but in one small year, you have brightened my world and become the sunshine of my life.

Someday you’ll look back and see that you always have been my biggest blessing. I’ll love you with my whole heart forever.

Happy 1st birthday from mom, my sweet adorable son.
My sweet baby boy, today you turn 2 and I don’t know how I could have any more love for you than I already do! This feeling will likely only grow, though!

I’m wishing you happiness forevermore and joy always. Happy birthday from mom, son. 
A little miracle like you is a blessing in any mother’s life. You truly are the center of my universe, baby boy.

May you have a 1st birthday that’s full of happiness and another 12 months of special moments and more firsts. 
Happy first birthday, sweet nephew!

Throughout your first year of life, you have brought so much happiness to our lives and given us so many precious moments!

I can’t wait for the many more wonderful memories that are yet to be made! We love you, baby boy!
Happy birthday to a truly special
baby boy and big congratulations
to the parents, too!

Today you will be showered with love,
even more so than usual! You are so
precious, a bright light in the lives of
all of those around you.

You will always be so very loved, little
one. Wishing you every happiness
today and forever more!
Happy 2nd birthday, nephew!

You continue to fill my heart with love
and make me forever proud to be your
aunty. Love you loads, sweet baby boy!
Mommy and daddy are celebrating your first birthday ever, our special son!

For the one whole year that you’ve been on this earth, you haven’t stopped spreading your love for a single minute! We love you so much, cute baby boy!

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