65+ Belated Happy Birthday Wishes

HBW Editorial Team
HBW Editorial Team
Created and reviewed by our editors

Don’t know how to wish a belated happy birthday? These belated birthday quotes and meaningful messages are sure to make up for missing your friend’s or loved one’s special day.

While it can be awkward messaging somebody late after their birthday, they will appreciate the honesty and that you’ve remembered them. To lighten the tone of your message, you can always send Funny Belated Birthday Wishes. For ultimate ease, we’ve created some effortless belated birthday wishes images for friends, too!

Belated Happy Birthday Wishes

Better late than never

I wanted to have sent this message on time, but better late than never! I wish you a belated happy birthday!

I’m sorry this message is coming to you late, but I’m sending my most sincere belated happy birthday wishes to you from the very bottom of my heart!

May life always smile upon you and may you be blessed with peace, happiness, and love. I may be a little late, but my wishes for you are sincere.

I'm sending you a late birthday message on purpose, so that you may continue to celebrate it today! Have a great second day of birthday celebrations!

Sorry that I’m late to the party

Belated happy birthday to you! Sorry that I’m a little late to the party with these wishes!

Sorry for the delay in getting these wishes to you, my friend! I hope your special day this year was a truly great one!

I’m sorry for missing your special day, it completely slipped my mind. I hope you had the amazing birthday you deserved all the same!

I know these birthday wishes are belated, but the fact I’m making up for being late means they’re packed with much more meaning!

Happy tiny bit late birthday

Happy (tiny bit late) birthday! Wishing you a great year ahead!

Belated happy birthday to you. I hope you know that I would never miss the birthday of a good friend like you on purpose.

Sorry I missed your birthday
I didn’t realise it was so near
But I’m sending some late wishes
They’re extra special and sincere!

Belated happy birthday to you!

Sorry for the late wish but you know what they say: better late than never! I hope your birthday was a tremendous one, my friend!

Sorry I forgot your birthday

Sorry I forgot your birthday! I hope it was a wonderful one for you!

I wasn’t sure how to wish you a belated happy birthday, but I thought it would probably be best to start off by apologising for missing the actual day! Sorry for the late wishes!

I know I’m a little late in wishing you a happy birthday this year, but know that these belated wishes are sincere and have more meaning than ever. I hope you had a really great day!

These birthday wishes are belated with good reason: they’re supposed to make your birthday last longer! Happy birthday, my friend!

One day late wishes

These wishes might be one day late, but I hope your birthday yesterday was everything you hoped it would be.

I’m not late in wishing you a happy birthday, I’m just super early for next year!

I’m making a promise to you today that I will never miss another birthday of yours. You can quote me on that, my friend!

Surprise! Just when you thought you 
had received all of your birthday 
wishes, the best one of all pops up! 

I hope you had a great day!

Happy little-bit-late birthday to you

Happy little-bit-late birthday to you! For someone who is so chic and effortlessly cool, I thought your birthday wishes should be too!

I can’t say enough how sorry I am for the late wishes on your birthday this year. Time simply got away from me on this one, my friend!

Late birthday wishes are better than no wishes whatsoever! Just be thankful that I remembered at all! Belated happy birthday to you!

Belated happy birthday wishes to you! I so wanted to be on time but then I ended up being a little late… I promise I’ll be better next year!

Early wishes for next year

These wishes aren’t late, they’re just super early for next year! Happy birthday!

Happy belated birthday! I hope you enjoyed celebrating with your friends and family. 

I didn’t forget your birthday; I just forgot it was yesterday. Hope you had an amazing day!

While everyone else was only wishing you well and thinking of you yesterday, here I am still thinking of you today!

This wish may come a little late

I hope your birthday was as incredible as you deserve. This wish may come a little late, but it is timelessly sincere. Belated happy birthday!

I’m sorry I couldn’t be there to wish you a happy birthday on the day, but I’m sending you your birthday wishes anyway! Belated birthday wishes to you!

Belated happy birthday to you! I guess it just goes to show that good things do come to those who wait!

I’m sorry I missed your birthday, but I think it’s pretty impressive that I remembered it this soon after! Belated birthday wishes from your forgetful friend!

I would be remiss if I didn’t wish you a happy birthday, even if I am one day late! Belated wishes to you!

Belated happy birthday or happy belated birthday?

A common question is whether it’s correct to wish a belated happy birthday or happy belated birthday. Both phrases are frequently used, however, since belated means ‘to come or happen later than expected’, the correct way to wish someone well after their special day is belated happy birthday. Just as they are belated wishes. Wishing a Happy belated birthday would have a different meaning as it implies the birthday is late, rather than the wishes.

I would be remiss if I didn’t wish you a happy birthday, even if I am one day late!

Belated wishes to you!
I promise I’ll make it up to you
My most sincere apologies
Late birthday wishes are better than no wishes whatsoever! Just be thankful that I remembered at all!

Belated happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday super in advance
Better late than never
I’m sorry this message is coming to you late, but I’m sending my most sincere belated happy birthday wishes to you from the very bottom of my heart!
Early wishes for next year
Sorry that I’m late to the party
Even though this greeting may be a bit late, it doesn’t mean that it’s any less heartfelt.

I’m sorry for missing your special day, it completely slipped my mind. I hope you had the amazing birthday you deserved all the same!

Next year, I’ll make sure to wish you well a day earlier just to be on the safe side! Happy belated birthday!
I know I’m a little late to greet you on your
birthday this year, but that doesn’t mean
my wishes are any less sincere. 

I hope you had a great one, and I’m
sending my most heartfelt belated
birthday wishes to you today, my friend.
Sorry I forgot your birthday
This wish may come a little late
My birthday wishes are arriving
fashionably late to your party
this year! Sorry!

Happy belated birthday to you!
Happy tiny bit late birthday
One day late wishes
I know I’m a little late in wishing you a happy birthday this year, but know that these belated wishes are sincere and have more meaning than ever. I hope you had a really great day!
These birthday wishes might be late
And for that, I apologize sincerely
But I thought you’d still be elated
Even though my wishes are belated!

Happy late birthday to you!
I know these birthday wishes are belated, but the fact I’m making up for being late means they’re packed with much more meaning!
May life always smile upon you and may you be blessed with peace, happiness, and love. I may be a little late, but my wishes for you are sincere.

You’re an amazing person, and I hope your big day was great.
Another year has passed and, once again, I’m late in wishing you a happy birthday. I’ve always thought this was a problem of mine, but now I’m starting to consider that perhaps it's your problem. You simply chose a forgetful day to be born on!

From now on, I’m the one who will be forgiving you for such a bad choice of date.

I still hope you had loads of fun on your birthday!
A very happy birthday to you,
my dear friend!

I’m not late in wishing you a
happy birthday, I’m just super
early for next year! 

I hope you had a fantastic
birthday just gone, and that
the next one will be even better!
I'm sending you a late birthday message on purpose, so that you may continue to celebrate it today! Have a great second day of birthday celebrations!
Sorry for being late again with your birthday wishes. However, when someone looks like you do, never appearing a day older no matter how much time passes, it makes it hard for others to remember that you also age like the rest of us!

I hope you had the unbelievable birthday you deserved!
You know me, I’m never late. I’m fashionably late! I hope you had the amazing birthday you deserve filled with great gifts!
HBW Editorial Team
HBW Editorial Team
Happy Birthday Wisher relies on a team of writers, editors, poets, and enthusiasts to produce, organize, and review all the content.

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