65+ Belated Happy Birthday Wishes

I spent too much time trying to
come up with the perfect birthday
wish, and then ended up missing
your birthday altogether!

Sorry! Happy belated birthday!
You thought I had forgotten you or that I didn’t like you? That’s simply not true. I may not remember many things, but I always remember you. You are always on my mind.

You deserve but the best every day of the year.

Happy belated birthday!
I didn’t forget your birthday; I just forgot it was yesterday. Hope you had an amazing day. Happy belated birthday!
I’m not late in wishing you a happy
birthday, in fact, I purposely delayed
wishing you well in order to prolong
your birthday celebrations!

Happy birthday week, my friend!
I’m sorry for being a goof,
A little behind this year
And letting your birthday
Slip my mind, my dear!

Happy belated birthday!
I’m purposely sending your birthday wishes late to make your celebrations last a little longer! I hope your birthday was wonderful!
While everyone else was only wishing you
well and thinking of you yesterday, here I
am still thinking of you today!

You’re lucky to have a great friend like me
in your life! Happy belated birthday to you!
I may be late in wishing you a happy birthday this year, but I’m the first to greet you for your next. Happy birthday!
These birthday wishes aren’t late, I just wanted to wait and check in with you to make sure you had a great day! I hope it was a wonderful one!
I’m sorry I couldn’t be there to wish you a happy birthday on the day, but I’m sending you your birthday wishes anyway! Belated birthday wishes to you!
I’m sorry that I missed your birthday,
but I think it’s pretty impressive that
I remembered it this soon after!

Happy belated birthday from
your notoriously forgetful friend!
I'm so sorry about forgetting your special day - it simply slipped my mind!

I hope you had a great day all the same! Happy belated birthday!
I’m so sorry, I thought your
birthday was today!

Oh well, look on the bright side:
it looks like you’re going to be
enjoying two cakes this year
instead of just one!

I’m sending you the best belated
birthday wishes possible, my friend!
I wanted to be the first to wish you a 
happy birthday… for next year!

Happy belated birthday, my dear friend!

I hope that your day was brilliant and
everything you had hoped it would be,
and that you enjoyed celebrating with
all of your closest ones!
I meant to say this to you earlier but...
happy birthday, my friend! 
You know me, I’m renowned for being
fashionably late! What can I say? 
I'm hoping that your special day was a
great and memorable one, anyway!

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