65+ Belated Happy Birthday Wishes

I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings or make you feel like I don’t care. You are an amazing person and such an important part of my life. I feel so devastated for forgetting your big day. I don’t know how it could have slipped my mind.

Please know that I am unbelievably sorry for missing your birthday. I’m so sorry I wasn’t there for you, and I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me. If I have to beg for your forgiveness, I will.

I hope you had a birthday as incredible as you are.
I know you must have been waiting all day to see a message from me appear, and I’m sorry that I missed your special day.

But you know what they say, my friend; save the best ‘till last!

Happy birthday to you!
Sorry for the delay in getting these wishes to you, my friend! I hope your special day this year was a truly great one!
Gosh darn it, I missed your birthday!

If it’s any consolation for you to know, I was having a wonderful time and just lost track of the days!

Hopefully I’ll be having less fun next year, then I might remember your birthday!
I know I totally flaked on your birthday and I’m sorry about that!

I don’t really have an excuse so I’ll just apologize and hope we can move past it!
It’s completely understandable that you might be feeling as though I forgot your birthday this year, but that’s simply not what happened! I just couldn’t remember the exact day!

I knew it was around this time, so I at least deserve partial credit for that, right?

Happy birthday to you, anyway!
Oops, I forgot your birthday… My bad!

You should really have a more memorable birthday, though, so you're partially to blame here!
Although this comes a little later than
planned, I want to wish you a very happy
birthday! I hope you had a fabulous day!
You might be thinking that I forgot your special day and that’s why I didn’t wish you a happy birthday...

Well, if that’s the case, you’d be right on the money because that’s exactly what happened! Sorry! I hope you had a really great day nonetheless!
I’m sending your birthday wishes later than
planned this year as your birthday came
around much quicker than I was expecting,
my friend! It really crept up on me!
I purposely saved your birthday wishes until today, so that it would make your celebrations last a little longer!

I hope you had a fantastic birthday!
I was trying to come up with a reason
or some excuse for why I didn’t wish
you a happy birthday the other day,
but the truth is I simply forgot.

After all, you know what they say;
honesty is the best policy!
I’m making a promise to you today that I will never miss another birthday of yours. You can quote me on that, my friend!
I want you to know that I'm very sorry for my tardiness in wishing you a happy birthday.

I may have forgotten your special day, but I remember all of those days we spent together that were so special to me. I hope you can forgive me and focus on all of those special days, too

I hope you had a great birthday!
Happy birthday, bestie! I know your
special day has already been, but this
way your birthday celebrations can
last that little bit longer!

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