65+ Belated Happy Birthday Wishes

It looks like I hit the snooze button on your birthday and overslept, my friend! I apologize sincerely, but I hope you had a great day all the same!
You’re worthy of much more than
just one single day of celebration,
which is why I intentionally put off
wishing you a happy birthday until
today in order to extend your
birthday festivities!

P.S. I definitely didn’t just forget
your birthday!
I too was thinking of you on your special day yesterday but you’re also on my mind today, too!

Happy birthday!
I might’ve overlooked your special day, my
organization was a mess, but it certainly
doesn’t mean that I care any less.

I hope you had a great birthday, my friend.
I know you don’t like to make a big spectacle of your birthday, which is why I purposely waited until after to wish you a happy birthday this year!
Now that you’ve heard from all the rest
You’re ready to hear from the very best!

Happy birthday to you!
I know that I’m not always perfectly on time for some things and occasionally deadlines pass me by, but I'd never be late in wishing you a happy birthday, miss!

I hope your special day this year is superb!
Your late-twenties seem to be treating you well, as I’ve never seen you happier than you are now! You’re radiant, my dear!

I hope you continue on this path of happiness and that life always treats you well! Happy birthday to you today!
Sorry I’m late in thanking everyone
who wished me well on my special
day, but rest assured that I sincerely
appreciated and enjoyed reading all
of your messages! Thank you, truly!
Happy birthday to you, my friend!

Remember, it’s never too late to
chase your dreams and become
what you want to be.

Unless, of course, your dream is
to be young again as that ship
has well and truly sailed!
If you haven’t already
Wished me a happy birthday
It’s not too late to do so!

You simply don’t know
How much it’d mean to me!
Since it’s almost always better to be early rather than late I thought I’d wish you a happy birthday now, plus I also simply couldn’t wait!

All the best for your upcoming celebrations. I hope your special day is a super magnificent one!
Belated happy birthday to you. I hope you know that I would never miss the birthday of a good friend like you on purpose.
Happy birthday, big sis!

Many nights we stayed up late just sharing our innermost feelings, our deepest thoughts and our most troublesome worries. We made up games and created secret signals that only we knew.

Today, we may not spend as much time together as we used to or as we would like to, but you can be sure that you are still the most amazing person in my life.

I wish you the most amazing day!
I suddenly panicked as I thought
your birthday was last week and
I had missed it, before realising
I am early not late!

I don’t want to go through that
again, so I am wishing you a
happy birthday now in advance!

I hope your day is wonderful and
you receive lots of lovely gifts!

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