150+ Sweet Birthday Wishes for Best Friend Girl

HBW Editorial Team
HBW Editorial Team
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birthday wishes for best friend girl

Your bestie’s birthday only comes around once a year, so make sure you wish the birthday girl the best day in style!

Birthdays are a super special occasion for anyone, but especially so for your number 1 gal pal. It’s also the perfect time to let your female best friend know just how meaningful their friendship is and how important they are to you. 

We’ve put together the perfect selection of short and sweet birthday wishes and touching messages for you to send to your BFF to brighten her day and put a smile on her face!

Short & Sweet Birthday Wishes for Best Friend Girl

  • I couldn’t wish for a better friend than you, girl. 🤍 Happy birthday.
  • Happy bday, bestie. There's no one I would rather share my thoughts and secrets with. 
  • Happy birthday to my soul sister; my best friend in the whole world. You’re a true inspiration, girl.
  • You are everything a best friend should be, a true blessing. Happy birthday, girl. ❤️️
  • I’ll always be there for you, and I know I can count on you too. HBD, bestie.
  • Happy birthday to my best friend in the whole wide world! You’re a true blessing to me, girl!
  • You’re unique, girl. One in a million. I’m very lucky to have you in my life. ✨
  • Happy birthday to a gal pal like no other! You’re the best female friend there is!
  • Today is all about you, girl! I feel so blessed to share such a meaningful friendship with you.
  • There are friends, there are best friends, then there is you. Happy birthday, my BFF. 😻
  • Happy birthday, girl! It’s a simple fact that there’s no better friend than you!
  • You're so much more meaningful to me than just a best friend, girl. You’re more like a sister I never had.
  • Happy birthday to my bestie; a true sister at heart. Wishing you all the happiness on your special day.
  • Best wishes to my BFF! Every girl should have a bestie like you! 💞
  • Friends are great, but best friends are even better! Happy birthday to my bestie!
  • I count my blessings to have a unique friend like you, as female friends like you there are few.
  • Celebrating my favourite person today! You’ll always be my best friend, girl.
  • Wishing the happiest of birthdays to my beautiful best friend! Love you, girl! ❤️️
  • Happy birthday, girl! Thank you for consistently being the amazing person and friend that you are! 
  • Having a best friend like you is one of life’s most glorious, simple pleasures. Have the best birthday, girl.
  • Today is special because we’re celebrating you! Happy birthday to the best female friend around!
  • For a best friend like no other, I’m wishing a birthday that’s also unlike any other!
  • Happy birthday to a friend for life. May your special day bring you everything you could ever wish for.
  • HBD, cute girl! You’re the sunshine in my life that warms my heart and brightens my days! ☀️
  • Today is my bestie girl’s special day! May it bring happiness to your heart!
  • Diamonds might be a girl’s best friend, but you’re mine! Happy birthday, bestie!
  • I’m sending the most beautiful birthday wishes your way today, my lovely best friend!
  • I’m wishing you the very happiest of birthdays today and a year ahead that’s filled with joy and bliss, bestie.
  • You're the greatest gal pal a girl could wish for, and I know that you’re going to become a wonderful woman! You truly are an inspiration to me!
  • Our friendship is something truly special. I cherish it with my whole heart. I’m wishing you the best birthday, my best friend.
  • Happy bday, girl! Nobody does it better than you; there are few female friends as truly wonderful as you!

Touching Birthday Wishes for Best Friend Girl

meaningful birthday for best friend female

To me, your friendship
Truly means everything.

Wishing you a very happy
And fabulous birthday, girl.

I will constantly
Be there for you
And I always know
I can count on you too.

Happy birthday, bestie.  

birthday wishes for best friend femaleHappy birthday to my best friend,
the birthday girl!

Big kisses and here’s hoping that all
of your dreams come true today!

birthday wishes for best friend female

Your grace, beauty, and strength inspire me every day, my lovely friend! Happy birthday to you!

Happy birthday to my very best girl!

You are a world-class friend and I am
wishing you a world-class birthday!

I am so lucky to have a best friend like
you! Wishing you a day filled with
loveliness, my lovely!

wishes for best female friend everTo the best friend ever, happy birthday!

I’ll always be grateful that I was blessed with someone as special as you in my life. You’re my soul sister and best friend forever, girl. 

meaningful wishes for best friend female birthday

We couldn’t be more perfectly matched. Happy birthday, bestie.

 It’s not necessary to have hundreds of friends when really all you need is one heart touching friendship. I’m glad I found my one true best friend in you, girl. ❤️️

birthday wishes for best friend female

A true and genuine friendship like ours is so strong, meaningful, and long lasting. Happy birthday, my forever best friend.

birthday wishes for best friend female

Wishing the very best birthday to my very best friend! You’re the most gorgeous, glamorous, sophisticated lady I know!

You will always be my biggest inspiration. I’m truly blessed for you, girl. Happy birthday to you. 

birthday wishes for best friend female

Happy birthday to my soul sister and dearest gal pal in the whole entire world! You mean everything to me and more!

I wish only the best for you
with lots of love and the hope
that every one of your dreams
may come true on your birthday
this year, bestie. 

birthday wishes for best friend female

Happy birthday, girl!
Growing up together was fun,
but getting older together is cool too!
We’ve made some great memories,
all of which I owe to you!

You’re my best friend, girl
More meaningful than any boy
You simply brighten my life
And fill every moment with joy.

Wishing you the happiest birthday
With all the love in my heart, bestie.

birthday for best friend female friendship

Great friends like you don’t come along every day. I’ll forever cherish our friendship, bestie. Happy birthday to you.

Happy birthday, girl.

You’re my best friend and one of the
few people I know I can always count
on and share all my secrets with.

I have complete and total trust in you. 

inspirational wishes for best friend female

Happy birthday to a very special best friend!

Thank you for being my number 1 girl, bestie. A better friend than you simply doesn’t exist.

touching wishes for best friend female

There’s no other day more perfect than your birthday to tell you just how meaningful and touching your friendship is to me. Thank you for being the best gal pal ever.

Wishing you the happiest of
birthdays on your special day
today, my closest friend. 

We’ve shared many heart-touching
moments, and I can’t wait to create
many more together.

birthday wishes for best friend female

Happy birthday, bestie! I hope your special day this year is as beautiful and fabulous as you are, girl!

I’m celebrating you today, girl, and reminiscing over the good times we’ve shared. I could write a book with all the memories we’ve made together!

birthday wishes for best friend female

If you’re lucky enough to find your bestie in life, you must always hold on to them. I’m lucky I found you, girl. I’m wishing you a heart touching birthday.

Happy birthday to my one and only BFF.

You’re the brightest shining star and my guiding light in life, bestie. May you have a wonderful day that reflects the incredible person that you are. ⭐

birthday wishes for best friend female

Happy birthday, best friend. There is no friendship more meaningful and no bond stronger than ours, girl.

Happy birthday to you today, girl!

We might not be related by blood,
but we share a fab friendship that
connects us by the heart. You’re my
soul-sister through and through!

birthday wishes for best friend female

For the incredibly special friend that you are,
I hope that you enjoy your very special day.

Happy birthday, girl.

Happy birthday to a true blessing of a friend of mine who I’ve been lucky enough to have had in my life since childhood! Enjoy your special day, girl! 

birthday wishes for best friend female

To have a best friend in my life who’s as great as you truly is a blessing, girl. I thought you should know that on your special day, bestie.

Happy birthday, I’m wishing you a day full of happiness and a year ahead filled with joy.

Happy birthday, girl! There’s no better friend than you, and there's no one I would rather share my thoughts and secrets with.

You are a true companion and a great woman. I wish you only the best, lots of love, health and that every one of your dreams may come true.

I will always be there for you, and I know I can count on you too. Love ya! 😘
Another year more beautiful
Happy birthday to my glamorous best friend
Today, I am wishing a very happy birthday to my bff! 💕

Another year has come and gone which means it has been one more year that you’ve been warming and touching my heart with your friendship. You’re the best friend anyone could wish for, girl.
Happy birthday to my crazy best friend
Wishes for my long-time best friend
It’s not necessary to have hundreds of friends when really a heart touching friendship is all you need. I’m glad I found my one true best friend in you, girl. ❤️️

I’m wishing you the very happiest of birthdays today and a year ahead that’s filled with joy and bliss.
Happy birthday, my forever best friend
You inspire me every day, girl
Wishing the most glorious birthday
ever to my all-time bestie!

Every girl should have a friend like you! 
You’re dependable, loyal, attentive and
the best confidante!

I know that I can trust you with absolutely
anything, and that I’ll always receive the
best advice from you. Thank you for
consistently being the amazing person
and friend that you are!

Happy birthday, girl!
Out of all the friendships
Yours truly is the best
A dear gal pal who
Is better than the rest.
Without you around
My days would be glum
For there is nobody else
With whom I have more fun.
You’re my best friend, girl
You mean more than any boy
You simply brighten my life
And fill every moment with joy.

I’m wishing you the happiest
Birthday possible with all the 
Love in my heart, bestie.
We make a perfect pair, bestie
You’re more than a best friend, girl
Happy birthday, bestie.

It is such a blessing to have a friend so loyal and true who is so completely genuine and trustworthy, too. I found my very best friend in you and I’m truly grateful for that.

I’ll always be thankful that the stars aligned and our paths crossed, starting a friendship that would blossom into something so much more. You’re like a true sister to me, girl.

I hope you enjoy your special day this year and look forward to many more to come.
You don't look another year older, bestie
Happy birthday to my sanity-saving friend
To have someone as meaningful as you
in my life is the greatest blessing I could
ever wish for. I am one of the lucky ones,
as you are quite simply the best friend
a girl could hope for.

I’m sending you only the very best wishes
today and hoping that your special day
may warm your heart for the year ahead
and more, my dear.
I’m so lucky to have a funny female friend like you to always keep me entertained. There’s never a dull moment when you’re around, bestie!

Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday, bestie.

There’s no other day more perfect than your birthday to tell you just how meaningful and touching your friendship is to me. I want you to know that you are so much more than just my best friend. To me, you’re more like a sister I never had.

I’ll always be grateful that I was blessed with someone as special as you in my life. You’re my soul sister and best friend forever, girl.
I was so blessed when you came into
my life, and I have been ever since as
I've watched our friendship grow and
blossom into something truly beautiful.

I’m beyond lucky to have a best friend 
like you, girl. Happy birthday.
Happy birthday, girl! I hope you have
the most fabulous day today as you
truly deserve it.

You are such a special friend to me as
you are quite simply my inspiration, my
source of happiness, and everything
that is good in this world.
Wishing you a hearty happy birthday
today, my dear best friend.

I could search far and wide, but I
already know that I’ve found my
most favourite person in the whole
wide world. You truly are the best
friend a girl could wish for. You
mean so much to me, bestie.
You are a friend 
That is always there
You are a friend 
Who shows you care
To me, your friendship
Truly means everything
For all of the happiness
And joy that you bring.

Wishing you a very happy
And fabulous birthday, girl.
You’re always there to lift me up
And to gently warm my heart
You never seem to fail
In making me smile.
You’re the very best friend
Anyone could ever have
You’re my favourite girl
By a country mile.

Happy birthday to you, bestie.
My dearest gal pal, I’m hoping that you have the best birthday possible today with wishes of happiness.

There are so many people in the world who could only wish to have a best friend girl like you in their life, they long for someone like you. That’s why I’m so grateful and forever blessed to have a dear friend like you around, bestie.
HBW Editorial Team
HBW Editorial Team
Happy Birthday Wisher relies on a team of writers, editors, poets, and enthusiasts to produce, organize, and review all the content.

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