I’m sorry to be the one to tell you but we’ve had a call from the fire department to say that they know how old you’re turning today and that your birthday cake is for sure going to be a fire hazard!
We’ll just have to find some other, safer way to celebrate this grand age of yours!
You should consider yourself very honored and particularly lucky that you are one of the few people whose birthday I can remember by heart! You must be somewhat important to me, I guess!
Remarkable, unbelievable, and unreal are all ways in which someone could describe something truly amazing but also, much like in your case, something totally bizarre!
Just kidding with you, buddy! I’m sending my best wishes to the birthday boy today!
Happy birthday, pal! You know that I’m always looking out for your best interests, so just take care today when you’re trying to blow out the fireball on your cake!
Another year older and yet one more candle to add! If your goal is to have your birthday cake seen from outer space, then you’re certainly on the right path!
Looks like your birthday is going to be a hot one today, pal, as there will be more than enough heat coming from all the candles on your cake to warm up the entire room! Happy birthday to you!