Awesome Birthday Wishes for Best Friend Boy

If life begins at 40 that means today is the time to hit the reset button! Do everything that you’ve always wanted to do and never look back, my friend!
Happy birthday to you, my faraway friend!

I’m sending my best wishes to you today and hoping that life is treating you well where you are.

Continue doing what makes you content and may your journey in life always lead you to happiness!
I’m not late in wishing you a happy
birthday, in fact, I purposely delayed
wishing you well in order to prolong
your birthday celebrations!

Happy birthday week, my friend!
This time next week you
will be another year older!

I'm sorry I won’t be able to
be there in person to celebrate
with you, but I hope you have
a fantastic day!

Be sure to have a slice of cake
from me! Happy birthday in
advance, my dear friend!
Turning 40 is something to be proud of so just embrace it, my friend! Wishing all the best to you on your 40th birthday!
Happy birthday to you, my friend! Here’s to the first of many 29th birthdays for you!

Don’t worry, your secret will always be safe with me! Besides, it’s not like you’ll be the first person in history to tell a little white lie about their age!
Congratulations on another wonderful birthday! You are more than a colleague to me; you are also my friend and confidant. Working by your side has been such a pleasure because you are a great person.

May you have a fantastic birthday!
Today marks the beginning of the rest of your life, for it is today that you turn 25!

Happy 25th birthday my dear friend!
Only a husband can protect like a father,
be as fun as a brother, and share good
times like a friend. You are everything
that makes a great man.

Happy birthday, my love.
Wishing you the very best 30th birthday and I am hoping that you are able to spend it with all of your close friends and family!

It's a very significant milestone in your life which is best shared and spent with your loved ones!

Make lots of happy memories today that you can cherish forever, my dear friend!

Congratulations and happy birthday!
Happy birthday to my dear cousin,
who is a brother to me in every
sense of the word!

You are a relative, a friend and the
very best companion!

You have always been there,
through the good and the bad, and
I have no doubt that you’ll be there
until the end of time, too. 

Enjoy your special day, bro!
You deserve it!
Happy birthday, my beloved cousin!

I wish you the very best every day,
but just that little bit more today as
it’s your special day!

Thank you for not only being an
awesome cousin, but also a great
friend that I have always been able
to confide in!

Ever since we were young, I knew
that not only did I have a close
relative that I could always rely on,
but also a friend for life!

I wish you everlasting happiness,
my dear cousin!
Happy birthday to my sometimes crazy but always awesome cousin!

I’m so lucky to have someone as fun and as wonderful as you in my life. You’re like the greatest friend and best brother all in one!
Happy 25th birthday, my dear friend!

I know that this point in your life can be overwhelming, filled with uncertainty and important decisions to make, whilst wondering what direction to take.

But don't have a quarter-life crisis! Take a deep breath, put things in perspective and look at how much you’ve already achieved in your short life so far!

In your brief adult life, you’ve conquered so much and I truly believe that it serves as a benchmark for your future!

Enjoy your special day and relax for a bit! You have your whole life ahead of you!
A very happy birthday to you today, my dear friend!

I’m wishing for this new year of your life to be a spectacular and happy one!

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