Awesome Birthday Wishes for Best Friend Boy

Happy birthday to a dear friend of mine who turns forty today!

Turning forty isn’t as bad as everybody says, it’s actually quite the opposite! You are at that point in your life where you shouldn’t worry about what other people think, you should just do the things that make you happy!

I hope this first year of your forties brings you lots of smiles and loads of laughter!
Happy birthday to a genuinely lovely guy through and through!

I will always cherish our relationship, past and present, and I feel lucky to still have such an amazing ex as a friend!

I'm wishing you an absolutely wonderful day as you celebrate another year of your life today!
You have been a good friend to me
throughout our studies and I will
be sad when this year is over.

I’m wishing you all the best for the
remainder of this year and beyond.

Happiest of birthdays to you.
Donut worry about getting another year
older, my friend! Just relax and eat some
cake on your birthday today!
I might’ve overlooked your special day, my
organization was a mess, but it certainly
doesn’t mean that I care any less.

I hope you had a great birthday, my friend.
Happy birthday to you!

I’m wishing you anything but an ordinary
birthday this year, my friend. May your
special day be different and unique!
You started out as my trainer, but soon became a good friend of mine!

I’m so grateful to you for all of your efforts and for overseeing the progress I have made! Without you, I wouldn’t be where I am now!

All the best and many happy returns!
Sending the very best birthday wishes to
my very best friend! Our friendship will
forever have a special spot in my heart!
Big congratulations to you today on your special day, bestie! Having a friend like you makes every day feel like a birthday!
Many happy returns to the very
best friend a person could have!

I’m very fortunate to have a guy
like you in my life!
This friendship is true
Between me and you
Meaningful and deep
A bond that will keep!

Sending lots of love and
Birthday wishes to you,
My dear friend!
Don’t freak out just because you’re
turning 27! You’ve still got many good
years ahead of you yet! Just take a
deep breath and enjoy the party!

Happy birthday, my friend! I’m sending
my very best wishes your way today!
I’m wishing you a very happy birthday
today, my friend. A class with you is
always guaranteed to be a great one.

Thank you for making each lesson
that we have together so much better
and more fun. 
Out of all the 11-year-olds I know,
you have to be the coolest one!

I hope your birthday this year
is just as awesome as you are,
my friend!
Happy thirtieth birthday! You can still tell people that you’re twenty-something if you want, you could easily still pass as under thirty! I wouldn’t tell anyone, I promise! 

You are blessed with a youthful appearance which should provide you with many more years to come!

Many happy returns, my dear friend! I hope you have a really enjoyable day, celebrating yet another important milestone in your life!

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