120 Birthday Wishes For Best Friend Forever

To my oldest and closest friend on your
special day, I’m hoping that everything
you’ve been wishing for comes your way.

May you have a marvellous birthday, as
you truly deserve the world for what an
incredible person you are!
Your friendship is one of the things I am
most grateful for in life.

Through the highs and the lows, the good
and not so good, you’ve always been right
by my side to see me through it.

Happy birthday and thank you for being
a true friend!
Happy birthday to a beautiful, funny,
and charismatic friend of mine who
reminds me a lot of myself in many
ways! We’re so similar that it’s no
wonder we get along so well!

I hope you have a fabulous birthday
today, at least as fabulous as we are!
Happy birthday to you, girl!

Having a female friend like you in my life
all these years certainly is a blessing!

I’m so thankful that neither one of us has
grown up since childhood and still have
that same childish sense of humor!
Happy birthday, girl! I hope you have
the most fabulous day today as you
truly deserve it.

You are such a special friend to me as
you are quite simply my inspiration, my
source of happiness, and everything
that is good in this world.
Today I’m wishing all the very best to
my bestie on his special day! I hope
your birthday totally rocks, my friend!
You might want to forget about your birthday but I never could! I’ll take any opportunity to remind you that you’re getting older, my friend! Happy birthday!
Happy birthday, girl! Today’s your special day and I hope it’s a cute one! May you be showered with love, dozens of pretty roses, and of course, lots of cake!
Don’t look so glum, chum!
It’s only another year!

At this point, one more really
doesn’t make much difference
anyway! Happy birthday, buddy!
I’m sorry to be the one to tell you but we’ve had a call from the fire department to say that they know how old you’re turning today and that your birthday cake is for sure going to be a fire hazard!

We’ll just have to find some other, safer way to celebrate this grand age of yours!

Happy birthday!
Happy birthday, my dearest gal pal.

We have been the greatest of friends for a long, long time now and it's so important to me that you know just how meaningful your loyal friendship is to me. I might not tell you enough as when I think about it it makes me emotional, but I don’t know what I would do without an incredible friend like you.

So for all that you are, may you have a truly fabulous birthday this year, girl. You deserve it.
Happy birthday to my soul sister! I hope you know that you are so much more than just a good friend to me!
Happy birthday, girl! May your special day bring you endless joy as you embark on another fabulous year of your life.

You truly deserve everything good in this world to come your way, as you are a truly special girl and a friend like no other. I’ll be forever grateful for having a bestie as spectacular as you to brighten my days and create everlasting memories with.
Happy birthday to the best gal pal!

My wish for your birthday is to make
you smile and laugh, but that’s not
really any different to having me
around on any given day! 
Happy birthday, bestie!

I hate to be so far away and miss your
birthday this year but trust me if there’s
any way I could’ve avoided it I would have!

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