120 Birthday Wishes For Best Friend Forever

You inspire me to be the very best version of myself, girl. Thank you for always supporting me with your unique and unmatched friendship. Happy birthday.
A friend like you
Is hard to find
You truly are
One of a kind!

Happy birthday,
I am a true friend, buddy. I’ll always remember your birthday but as a courtesy and out of respect for you, I’ve chosen to stop keeping track of your age!

In my mind, you’re only as old as you feel! Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday, old man!

Gray hairs may be emerging and
wrinkles starting to form but try and
enjoy your special day all the same!
Happy birthday to a glamorous lady
who still isn’t showing her age…
or acting it either!

Enjoy your special day, girl!
Wishing you a very happy birthday, bestie!

My birthday promise to you today is that I’ll do everything in my power to conceal your real age!
Happy birthday to you, my best buddy!

Make sure you smile for every photo that’s taken of you today, my friend, so at least that way you’ll have something to look back on in a few years and remember what it was like when you used to have your own teeth!
I could never miss your birthday,
my friend, as you are someone
who is simply unforgettable!
Whether you’re memorable for
good or bad reasons, the jury’s
still out on that!

I hope you have a fabulous
day full of celebration, girl!
Happy birthday, girl!

Know how very close to my heart you are, even if you are celebrating far away today!
I’m sending a great big happy birthday to you
from the bottom of my heart on your most
special day of the year, my dear bestie!

On your day today, I want you to know just
how incredibly important you and your
friendship are to me. You make more
of a difference to my life and add more
meaning to it than you’re probably aware of.
To my globetrotting friend who has a deep meaning in my life, may you have a wonderful birthday today wherever you’re choosing to spend your special day!
A dear friend like you warms my heart each and every day just by being the amazing girl that you are. You truly are the most fabulous friend, and one I cherish with all my heart.

Happy birthday to you today, and here’s to many more years of our unique and special friendship.
Celebrating your birthday today fills
me with emotion, girl. I am so lucky
to have a loyal and supportive bestie
like you, and seeing you grow another
year older and more wonderful than
ever before is a blessing. 

Our friendship has stood the test of
time, and I will cherish the memories
that we have made together forever
and ever. May we enjoy many more
long years of making memories and
being best friends, girl!

I have so much love for you, my dear.
Happy birthday!
I’m so happy to be wishing you a
happy birthday on this special day
of yours today, bestie.

We have been friends for such a
long time that over the years you
have become more like family to me.
I am very fortunate to have a friend
as wonderful as you in my life and
someone I can trust with anything
and everything. To me, you're more
like a sister than anything else.

I hope you enjoy your birthday today
and many more sweet years ahead.
A very special bond is formed when you’ve been best friends for as long as we have, which is why your birthday is so meaningful to me.

Happy birthday to you, I hope your day is full of many fantastic moments.

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