120 Birthday Wishes For Best Friend Forever

From one twin to another, I want to wish you a very happy birthday!

Speaking from the heart, though, you are so much more than just my twin. You’re a brother and a best friend, too! I know that I can count on you for anything!
Happy birthday to the one who knows me best and still chooses to stick around, my best friend in the whole world: you!

We’ve known each other since we were kids and we’ll be able to count on each other for the rest of our lives. Thank you for always being there for me.

Have a great birthday and many more happy years to come!
For a beautiful best friend like you
I’m sending sweet birthday wishes
And deep thanks for all that you do
You are a true friend turned sister
And I’ll be forever grateful for you.
When we were growing up together
we were always inseparable, and I
don’t know what I would do without
you, cousin!

You are my best friend and have
always been more like a brother
to me than a cousin.

Have a smashing birthday, and I
wish you all the happiness in the
world on your special day!
Happy birthday, sis! You’re not just my elder sister, but my best friend too. I have always looked up to you with so much respect and admiration.

You’re the best example of how you should live your life and I am so privileged to have had you by my side growing up.

I hope you have the best birthday, big sis!
Happy birthday to my sister
from another Mr! You are
my very best friend and the
ultimate partner in crime! 
I’m sending you the biggest birthday
wishes today as you are so much
more to me than just a great friend.
You are my guiding light, my voice
of reason, and a true brother-like
role model to me.

I hope you have a great one today,
my forever best friend.
Once a friend 
Now a brother 
True friendships
Like ours are
Not easy to find.
I’ll cherish our bond
Always and forever,
Best friend. 

Wishing the happiest 
Of birthdays to you. 
Happy birthday, best friend!

May you enjoy your special day
as a true gem of a friend like you
deserves the very best birthday too!
I’m wishing a super duper happy
birthday to you today, my dearest!

You manage to put a smile upon
my face each and every day, so
the least I can do is make it my
mission today to return the favor!

You’re my very best friend and I
hope you know that I have an
incredible amount of love for you!
Today is a very significant day indeed, as we get to celebrate how wonderful you are and give thanks for everything you do!

I am so lucky to have such an incredible, beautiful, caring wife to spend each day with. Being able to experience all the great things in life with my best friend by my side truly is a blessing.

If I could achieve just one aim in life, it would be to make you as happy as you make me, each and every single day.

Happy birthday, my dear wife! I hope your day is as spectacular as you are!
Having a cousin like you growing up meant that I had the best childhood possible.

To me, I’ll always see you not only as my cousin but also as a best friend and sister.

Happy birthday to you, and thank you for all the happy memories, my dear.
Happy birthday!

You are dearer to me than I could possibly put into words. You have touched my heart with your friendship and I am so fortunate to have you in my life.

Not a day goes past where I don’t thank my lucky stars for blessing me with a best friend like you!

You will be a friend forever, that’s for sure!
Happy birthday to my best gal pal!

I have so many wonderful memories and images of us that hold so much meaning to me, and they always will. I hope we can make many more together.

I’m so lucky to have a best friend and soul sister in you.
My dear girlfriend on your birthday,

Here’s to your special day, and hoping that it is as lovely as you are! I hope you know that you are not only my soulmate, but you are also my best friend.

With all my love, always!

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