Birthday Wishes for Your Boyfriend That Will Make His Heart Leap

Happy birthday to my boyfriend who
I miss dearly and wish was right here
beside me. I’m anxiously awaiting for
the day that this distance finally
becomes a thing of the past!

I am in serious need of some of your
big warm hugs and gentle kisses on
my forehead. 

Wishing you a lovely birthday, my love.
We’ll celebrate in person before you
know it!
You're always close to my heart, my love
I'm with you in spirit
For my dear boyfriend on your birthday
this year, I was going to wish for all of
your dreams to come true.

But, then I realized that they already
had come true the moment you met me!

Happy birthday, my gorgeous man!

Sending you all of my love on your
special day!
Here’s to you and to us on your birthday
I'll always be the best gift you could wish for
Happy birthday to my loving boyfriend,
who is the best thing that has ever
happened to me… So far!

Well, who knows what the future holds!
We share the same weird personality
Our long distance relationship is unbreakable
Wishing my boyfriend, who is currently far away, the happiest birthday possible without me! Have a lovely day, dear!
Happy birthday, boyfriend!

Guys like you with a sweet soul and a kind heart don’t come along often, which is why I consider myself to be very lucky to have a wonderful guy like you in my life. You truly are my happiness.
You’ll always be close to my heart
These miles are no match for our love
Happy birthday, my one true love.

I hope you know that you are so much more to me than just my boyfriend; you are my best friend and my lover. You truly mean everything to me and wherever I go, I carry you with me always, deep inside my heart.
There are some gifts money can't buy
Wishing you happiness for the year ahead, my love
For a wonderful boyfriend
So funny and cute
I’m hoping your birthday
Is truly a hoot!
Happy birthday to the most special man in my life: my dear boyfriend. Anyone would be lucky to have someone as special as you in their lives. I know I am.

Here’s to you today on your special day, and to many more long years of enjoying each other’s company and making memories together. Wishing you happiness every day, my love.
Today I am wishing a very happy
birthday to the most important
man in my life: my dear boyfriend.

You’re always on my mind and
in my heart, and no matter how
far apart from each other we may be,
you’re the most special person to me.

You deserve a fantastic day, so enjoy it!
Happy birthday, my love!
I may have put a lot of things
about our past behind me, but
your birthday isn’t one of them!

I hope you have an absolute blast
on your special day today and I’m
wishing you all the best for the
future, my dear ex-boyfriend!
My dear boyfriend, today we celebrate you and another spectacular year in your life. I’m lucky, too, as I’ve had the privilege of spending it with you.

I always wished that I would end up with someone like you. To me, you are simply the perfect guy, the man of my dreams.

Happy birthday to you, my love.
On your special day today, my love, I want you to know exactly how much you mean to me.

You are such a special man to me and a truly incredible boyfriend. You are my rock, my happiness, and my whole entire world. As long as my heart beats, it beats with love for you.

Happy birthday, my one true love.
My lovely boyfriend, I’m wishing you
the sweetest of birthdays today with
many moments of happiness and joy. 

May these birthday wishes live long
in your heart alongside the many
wonderful memories you and I have
made over this past year. Here’s to
you and to making lots more
memories together. 
Not having you in my life is unthinkable and not even something I would contemplate.

You may be my ex-boyfriend but you are, and always have been, such a good friend that I will always need you around!

Wishing you an amazing birthday today!
Happy birthday to an ex-cellent ex-boyfriend! Our relationship may have ended, but I want you to know that you’re among the gold standard of boyfriends!

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