Birthday Wishes for Your Boyfriend That Will Make His Heart Leap

I wished for nothing but the best for you when we were together, and I still wish you the best even now we’re apart. Happy birthday to you today!
If I told you that you’re the second most beautiful person in the world I’m sure you would agree, because as we both know the first and foremost is obviously me!

Happy birthday to you today, my handsome man!
You are an ex who graced my life with an abundance of joy, and I'll always treasure your kindness and be grateful evermore!

Wishing you happiness not only on your special day today, but all year round, my dear! Happy birthday!
Happy birthday to an awesome guy who touched my heart from the moment I first met him!

Although we’re no longer together as a couple, you still mean a lot to me and you always will. I truly value your friendship!

Enjoy your special day today!
The saying goes it is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all, and that couldn’t be any more accurate when it comes to you, my dear!

I’m grateful for the time we shared and the memories we made! Happy birthday to you today!
My sweet man,

It's difficult to put into words just how much I miss you. I think about you all day, and count down the moments in my head until I can finally wrap my arms around you and hold you tight! Oh, how my heart fills up when I receive a message from you, and if only you could see the smile on my face when we speak on the phone.

People always say that distance in a relationship makes you realise exactly how much you appreciate each other and makes you stronger as a couple, but until you live it you don’t realise just how true that is.

You are my whole world, my everything, and I hold you dearly in my heart each day until we are together again.

With all my love.
Happy birthday from the best
gift you could ever ask for,
your ever-loving girlfriend!

Love you loads!
Happy birthday to the sarcastic guy with a great sense of humour that I once fell for!

Sending all my love to you on your special day today!
Wishing a very happy
birthday to the man I
miss the most: my
one true love.

I hope these kisses
reach you quickly!
Meeting you changed my life for the better. Never had I met someone as special as you. I don’t know what the future has in store for us; I just want to keep living the dream.

Have a fantastic day, my sweetie!
Happy birthday to you today, my handsome man! I would fly your birthday wishes to you today, but I’d be too tempted to hop on board and join them!

I hope you have a lovely day and we’ll celebrate together soon, my love.
You’re so close yet so far away, my love,
as there are forces currently preventing
us from being together in person and
keeping us from celebrating your
birthday as usual this year.

May this only be temporary and hopefully,
there's going to be better times ahead.
Happy birthday to you from afar, my dear.
I gave you my heart and for as long
as I breathe it’ll beat with love for you.

Happy birthday!
My sweetie,

Our love grows like a tree; it gets stronger by the moment. It started as a small tree, so fragile that even a gust of wind could break its branches. It could barely hold itself to the ground, but we cherished it and watered it and day by day its roots started to spread and gradually it was able to support the weight better.

Little by little the trunk became larger as did our feelings for each other. The branches started to see the sun and the leaves slowly appeared, one by one.

It took time, but today we have a majestic tall tree with a full crown and the juiciest fruit of all.

Have a fabulous birthday!
May your birthday be a day
Full of happiness and glee
May it bring just as much
Joy as you bring to me
May you receive everything
That your heart desires 
May all your dreams come true
Because you deserve it all
Quite simply for being you.

Happy birthday, my love.

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