I was going to buy you hair dye for your birthday gift this year, but then I thought a hat would be a better idea since it’ll cover both gray hair and your eventual baldness! I’m always thinking of you, bro!
Sometimes we might argue or have the occasional light-hearted fight, but when the dust settles and above all that, I think it’s clear for all to see just how incredibly dear you are to me!
Happy birthday, bro. I can’t tell you the impact you’ve had on me and how meaningful you are to my life. I’m truly grateful to have a brother like you.
Brothers and sisters share a bond that is deep and true, and I feel truly blessed to have that special sibling connection with you. We’re very lucky to have each other, and I hope you know that I will always be there for you.
Happy birthday from your favourite person in the whole wide world: your dear sister.