105 Awesome Birthday Wishes for Your Brother

Happy birthday to the life 
And soul of the family:
My dear younger brother! 

You’re funny and entertaining 
Kindhearted and sweet. 
There’s no one quite like you
Nobody else can compete!

May you have the very best
Celebrations this year!
On your special day, big brother, I want to tell you how grateful I am for all of the beautiful things you have done for me throughout the years.

Never will I ever be able to repay you for all the help and all the love you have given me.

I hope you have the spectacular birthday you deserve, big brother!
Happy birthday to someone who is so much more than just a friend to me!

We share the closest bond, a tight-knit friendship with lots of brotherly love! I’m very lucky to have such a wonderful friend and brother in you!

I hope you enjoy your birthday this year and I’m sending you the biggest hug on your special day, bro! 
Happy birthday to my dear elder
brother who is always there - always
there to annoy me!

I can always count on you to wind
me up and irritate me to no end, so
thanks for that.

In truth, though, I wouldn’t have it
any other way. I couldn’t be without
you, bro!

I hope you have a great day and I’ll
do everything I can to antagonize
you in return!
A friend forever
A brother at heart
Best buds like us
Will never part.

Happy birthday,
Do you remember how much we fought? Do you know how much we bickered? Do you have any idea of how much we yelled at each other growing up? Can you give me a ballpark figure of how many kicks were given under the table? What's the number of objects we eternally borrowed from each other?

Now multiply all of this and you might get close to how much I love you! Happy birthday, little brother!
On your birthday, I want to thank you for always being there for me and for always supporting me with all of your strength, big brother.

You always took care of me with such love and tenderness. There is no other love in this world that can be compared to the love of an elder brother.

I hope you have a wonderful birthday!
You will always be the one I look
up to, big brother, and not just
because you’re older than me.
You are so inspirational and the
best role model there is.

May you have a great birthday
today that’s at least as beautiful
as your sweet heart.
Happy birthday, bro!

A little brother like you is actually a blessing
in disguise… At first I thought I was unlucky
to have a younger brother, but now as the
years go on I feel like the luckiest big sister
in the world!
Happy birthday, little brother!

Younger than me
You will always be
But never in my shadow
Will you ever be, kiddo!
Happy birthday to the best younger brother in the world! I’ve always looked out for you and I’ll continue to do so until the end of time.
Happy birthday, little brother! You can’t help but get older, but you can try your best to stay younger.

Just keep your childish sense of humor and don’t become any more mature! 
As my younger brother you might get
to make fun of me for being older than
you, but just remember that every year
my cake will always be bigger than yours
because it needs to hold more candles!

Now who’s laughing, bro!
Happy birthday, little brother! You might be jealous of your big sister in many ways, but I’ll always be envious of the fact that you’ll always be younger than me!
Happy birthday, old-timer! As you get older, so do your jokes!

It’s okay, though, I’ll continue to humour you because you’re my brother!

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