105 Awesome Birthday Wishes for Your Brother

There is no one else in the world I’d rather share a birthday with, nor is there anyone else I’d choose to be my twin brother. Happy birthday to us.
Happy birthday!

As you gain yet another year of life
experience, I’m wishing you success,
happiness, and health evermore.

All the best to you, brother.
Sending the best birthday wishes to my brother from the funniest sister! You’re lucky to have such a spectacular sibling who is as funny as I am!
Happy birthday to my heart touching brother who deserves all the love and respect I have for him!

I’ll always look up to you, big bro!
Happy birthday to a man after my
own heart: my dear twin brother!

We’ve been through everything
together and I couldn’t have wished
for anyone better to have experienced
it all with. Not only are you my twin
and my brother, but you’re also my
very best friend in the world.

I’m sending you my best today, bro.
Happy birthday, brother. May you be blessed with another glorious year, and may there be no limit to your well-earned success.
Sure, there were times when you used to get on my nerves when we were growing up together, but I wouldn’t have traded you for the world!

I’m sending you lots of love and wishing you the happiest birthday possible today, my dear kid brother!
The best thing about sharing your birthday with your twin brother is that there’s double the amount of cake! Happy birthday, bro!
Today, I have the absolute pleasure of wishing a very happy birthday to the dearest brother anyone could wish for.

Time and time again, you have touched my heart in so many ways, and I am eternally grateful to have a sibling like you in my life.
After all these years, I hope you know that you’re just as close to me as a brother. You are someone I am proud to call a friend. Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday from your favorite sister! I thought it might be nice, on your special day, for you to know that you’re my favorite brother too!
Happy birthday, little brother! 

Seeing what an honor it must be 
having a fabulous sister like me, 
I didn’t think it was necessary to 
get you any other gift this year!
You’re the gold standard
A big brother like you
In the entire world
There are very few
You’re a cut above the rest
Of other brothers out there
You’re better than most
They can’t even compare.

Happy birthday, big bro!
Happy birthday to us! It’s pretty obvious that you’re my twin brother, but what might be less so is the fact that you’re also my very best friend! 
There are many types of gifts in the world,
but one gift that even money can’t buy is
a wonderful elder sister like me!

Happy birthday, little brother!

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