105 Awesome Birthday Wishes for Your Brother

Happy birthday to a big bro who never fails to make me smile or laugh!

Your great sense of humour meant that growing up with you was a blast! You’re so funny and such a joy to be around, bro!

I hope your special day today is amazing and brings you all the happiness and joy that you deserve!
Older, wiser and better than ever! May this birthday bring you all the happiness you deserve, big bro!
Wishing a very happy birthday to
our parents' second favourite child,
from their first favourite child!

Don’t worry, elder bro, you’ll always
be my favourite!
It was boring being an only child, but everything changed the day you were born. I gained a playmate, a friend and someone to take the blame when I misbehaved. That was, of course, until you learned how to talk.

Love you, little bro! Have the most wonderful of days!
There aren’t many little brothers
Who are quite as lucky as you
That have an elder sister like me
As in the world, there are few!

Happy birthday!
Happy birthday, baby bro!

Growing up with each other, we shared so
many great times and I’ll always cherish
those wonderful memories we made.

I’m glad that we still continue to share
amazing moments together, creating
even more memories to treasure!
A friend like you is more than just a friend. We share a brotherly bond that makes our friendship so wonderful and unlike any other.

My life is great because I have you in it, as I’m truly blessed to have a best friend like you.

Happy birthday, buddy.
Happy birthday to my hilarious
big bro who shares the same
weird sense of humour as me!

Love you, big bro!
Happy birthday, little bro!

I’m happy for you that it’s your birthday,
but I’m sad it’s not mine! You know I love
the attention and getting lots of gifts!
Thank you for having yet another birthday
and for being a constant reminder that I’ll
always be older than you.

Thanks a bunch, bro!
Happy birthday, bro!

Year after year, I see it becoming
more evident that as you grow up
you’re becoming more and more
like our father!

You’re making everyone so proud
of the wonderful man that you’re
growing up to be!
Growing up with you was an adventure where the biggest risk was having too much fun! We were superheroes, astronauts, cowboys, wizards and all those other characters from the books we used to love.

Have a year filled with fantasy like our playtime used to have!
It’s time to celebrate because
it’s the birthday of someone
very special today: yours!

Wishing you an awesome
day, full of smiles and
amazing surprises.

Be happy, you deserve it
more than anyone!
Whenever I was feeling down, you were the little bundle of joy who always cheered me up. Growing up with you was the best. I can’t imagine how my childhood would have been without your laughter filling the house.

I was always so protective of you, sometimes maybe even too protective. But I couldn’t even imagine you getting hurt. I hope you understand it was all out of love for you.

We became friends along the way, the best of friends. There is no one else in the whole wide world that I would call immediately with good news.

I wish you but the best on your special day, baby bro!

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