105 Awesome Birthday Wishes for Your Brother

I know I’m your favourite. I know that you admire me and feel like you're second best. But guess what, kid! You are my favourite and I admire you just as much.

To me, you are number one.

I wish you but the best on your special day.
Happy birthday!

Not a day has passed where I haven’t felt safe knowing you’re always there to protect me.

I’ve always felt the warmth of your love and I owe a lot to you! You should be wearing a cape because you’re my hero, big bro!
Luckily for you, you don’t need to worry about how you’ll turn out when you’re older as you have a perfect example to follow! Happy birthday, bro!
Today I'm wishing a very happy birthday
to one of my greatest friends!

To me, it seems to be that as our
friendship grows we just become
more like bros!

I am so very thankful to have a bestie
like you, bro! Enjoy your special day!
Growing up together wasn’t always a breeze, but there’s nobody else in the world I’d have chosen as my little bro! Happy birthday, my man!
The world is truly blessed to have not only one, but two great guys like us in it!

Happy birthday to us both today, bro!
Happy birthday, bro!

You deserve a very big and extra special gift on your birthday for surviving another year of putting up with an annoying sister like me! 
There are many perks to having a twin, and being able to have a big birthday extravaganza with my best friend each year is definitely one of them!

My special day is made twice as special because I get to share it with you, bro! Here’s to us!
If ageing was a competition, bro, you’d be getting pretty high up on the leaderboard right about now! Happy birthday, old man!
Happy birthday, my dear elder sibling!

Those grey hairs are certainly giving the
impression that there’s a lot of wisdom
in there! Oh, if only that were true!
Happy birthday from the favourite child!

You might be bigger than me, but everyone knows the younger child is always the preferred one!

Love you, bro!
Big brothers are meant to look out for their younger siblings and protect them, provide support when things get tough and give unconditional love.

I can tell you that you are all of those things and more, my dear big bro!

Thank you for all that you’ve done for me and I’m wishing you a super happy birthday today!
As kids, you always took care of me
but now the time is approaching
where I’ll soon be looking after you!

You know, because you’re old!

Happy birthday, elder bro!
As elder siblings go, you’re alright!

Even though you’re older than me, you’ve never pushed me away or not wanted to hang out with me.

Because of this, I only have the best memories of us growing up together!

Happy birthday and I hope you enjoy your day today!
My gift to you this year is that I’ll let you take the spotlight on our birthday for a change! Happy bday to us, bro!

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