105 Awesome Birthday Wishes for Your Brother

Happy birthday to my dear brother, of whom I have an immense amount of respect and admiration. May this birthday of yours be a truly memorable one.
A big birthday hug for a brother so dear
A bestie who is like the brother I never had
Happy birthday to the very best brother
in the world.

I can’t imagine there’s a sweeter or better
brother out there who would have been
more fun to grow up with than you.

I’m truly grateful to have you as a sibling
and as a friend.
A brother who will always be a blessing to me
My favourite twin brother
A truly great brother can be a rarity in this world, which is why I’ll always be grateful that I was blessed with one of the few best ones. Happy birthday, brother.
I’m proud that you’re my little bro
Nobody makes me laugh like you do, bro
For a brother who is far away but always close at heart, I am wishing the happiest and most wonderful birthday ever today.

I wish I could be there to celebrate with you, bro. Best wishes from your dear sister.
A brother like you is a dream come true,
if your dream is to have a super annoying
brother, that is!

How is it possible that with each passing
year, you find more new ways to bug me...
I guess you’re getting more experienced
with age, bro! Happy birthday!
Little brother, you’re older but no wiser
You're more handsome than ever, little bro
To have a brother like you in my life makes me as proud as can be. I am so lucky for you, dear brother.
Two very special birthdays
You have the greatest younger sibling, bro
Happy birthday, bestie!

I’ve never had a friend before who
so closely resembles a brother to me.
You’re one in a million, my friend!
Happy birthday, twinnie! Today is our
special day and yet again I’m glad to
be sharing it with you.

You mean the world to me and I simply
couldn’t wish for a better brother than
you, let alone wish for a better twin! 
For the elder brother that you are
Someone I will always look up to
These touching wishes come
From my heart, especially for you.

May you have the incredible day
That you are so deserving of, my
Dear big brother. Happy birthday.
Happy birthday, my beloved brother!

It truly is a blessing to have such a good-hearted person as a sibling!
These simple birthday wishes contain a very special message, to tell you what a heart-touching brother you are to me. Happy birthday to you. 
Happy birthday, brother!

You might be another year older, but that
doesn’t necessarily mean you’re any wiser!
Happy birthday to a brother like no other!

A unique and amazing guy like you,
There simply are not two! Which,
In turn, makes me a lucky sister, too!
Happy birthday, bro!

I bet every sister wishes they had an amazing brother like you but luckily for me, you’re one-of-a-kind! There’s only one like you as you truly are a very unique and special sibling!
Happy birthday, big brother.

No gift can compare to the years of love
and support that you have shown me.
I’m very lucky to have a sibling like you.

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