Happy Birthday Wishes for a Classmate

94 happy birthday wishes found:

Happy birthday!

I hope you have an awesome birthday this year and I’m really looking forward to your party. Everybody’s talking about it.
Happy birthday, my friend!

You are such a selfless student
and always willing to lend a hand
to anyone who needs it.

You’re a great addition to our classes
and I’m very proud and lucky to share
the same year as you at high school!
High school is supposed to be the best period of your life as it brings new experiences and exciting adventures, but I’m sure it wouldn’t be half as good without you around.

You definitely make it better than I could ever imagine.

Happy birthday to you today, my friend.
Congratulations on surviving another year,
my dear! I am so thankful to have such a
kind and caring school friend like you to
help get me through each school day too!

Happy birthday, I hope you have a
fabulous day today.
Simply having you in my class gives me all the strength and support I need to tackle each lesson.

Happy birthday and thank you, my friend.
Happy birthday to a true friend I know I can always rely on!

Being able to spend as much time together as we do is a blessing and I don’t know what I would do if we had to go even a week without talking!

I’m so grateful to have you in my life, in and out of class! Have a great day, bestie!
Happy birthday to a prize student that we all adore!

I hope your birthday is just as special as you deserve it to be, my friend!

Wishing you all the very best for this new year of your life that starts today!
Happy birthday to the most
beautiful girl in our grade!

May you continue to blossom
and I’m wishing you many
years of happiness ahead.
We were introduced as classmates but we soon became great friends!

Happy birthday to you today, bestie!
Happy birthday to a truly great girl.

Having a dear and supportive friend like
you who listens is more precious to me
than I can put into words.

Anyone would be lucky to have someone
like you to get them through school, and
everyone could stand to learn a thing or
two from you. You’re certainly the one I
always look to.
The only good thing about coming to school is that I get to spend lots of time with you!

I’m wishing you a very happy birthday today, my friend. I hope it’s fantastic and the best one yet.
Happy birthday, bestie!

Just by having my favorite gal pal
in the same class as me instantly
makes it better and more enjoyable.
Your beauty and radiance can light up
even the dullest of classrooms, girl!

I’m wishing you the happiest of
birthdays today.
Today’s your special day! Happy birthday! 

Not only are you one of the funniest people I know and you always manage to make a dull day great, you’re also a great friend, too!

I hope that this year brings you everything you have been wishing for because you truly deserve it all, my friend! Have a truly amazing birthday this year!
Wishing you an epic birthday this year, study buddy!

If your birthday party is even half as fun as you are then it is guaranteed to rock! I honestly can’t wait for it!

I hope your special day truly is awesome for you!

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