180+ Birthday Quotes & Wishes for Your Cousin

Happy birthday to my hilariously funny
cousin! Life is always a party with you
and there’s never a dull moment when
you’re around!

May you have a birthday that’s full of
joy and full of laughter, my man!
Cousin, pal, or brother
To me, they’re all the same
You fit each category perfectly
Just under a different name!

Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday, my dear!

We might have been born into our family
as cousins, but the truth is that really we
are much more like sisters!

I hope that your special day brings you as
much happiness as you have brought to
me over the many years!

You deserve nothing but the best life has
to offer, my dear!

Big kisses!
We must be related because you have so
much style and sophistication just like me!

If people didn’t know any better or that
we’re cousins, they would definitely think
that we’re sisters!

Happy birthday, my dear! I hope you enjoy
your special day today!
Girl, each year you become more
beautiful and more fabulous than
ever before! I'm just hoping that's
something that runs in the family!

Happy birthday to you!
I’m still not totally convinced that we’re
cousins... I’m sure we are actually sisters
and there was just a mix-up at birth!

Happy birthday, sis!
Happy birthday to my favourite
relation who isn’t just the ultimate
cousin but also a mentor, best
friend, and brother to me.

I wish nothing but joy for you on
your birthday!
To my dear cousin, the brother I never had, I wish you the absolute best on your special day!
When we were growing up together
we were always inseparable, and I
don’t know what I would do without
you, cousin!

You are my best friend and have
always been more like a brother
to me than a cousin.

Have a smashing birthday, and I
wish you all the happiness in the
world on your special day!
My darling cousin, congratulations on yet another incredible year!

I’m a strong believer that blood is thicker than water, and particularly in our case, it couldn’t be any more accurate! Our bond is so close, more likened to that of sisters, and I wouldn’t change that for the world.

Have a truly wonderful birthday, my dear! You deserve it more than anyone!
Happy birthday, my dear cousin!

May everything about your special day be as sweet as the guy that you are, especially your cake!
For someone who is a cousin, a dear
friend, and also a sister to me, I thought I
had better get you not one gift, but three!

May you have the absolute best and
happiest birthday possible today!
Happy birthday to you!

If I had to give just one reason why you’re more like a sister to me than a cousin, it would be that growing up together you would annoy me just as much as any sister would!
We might not get to see each other as often as we would like, but I am so glad to have such a wonderful cousin and friend I know I can always rely on!

I love how we share the same sense of humour and we never struggle to find things to talk about, always picking up where we left off.

Have a perfect birthday and I hope this year brings you everything you hope for! Big hugs and see you soon!
A cousin on paper
A sister at heart
I could never cope
If we were ever apart!

Wishing you the happiest
Birthday possible, my dear!

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