Special Birthday Wishes for Your Crush

A handsome guy like you shouldn’t be without a glamorous date on his birthday, so I’m just letting you know that I’m free if need be! Happy birthday!
Happy birthday to a seriously sexy someone! You are the hottest thing since fire was discovered!
Happy birthday, sweetie! On your special day, you should consider this.

You don’t always need to look far to find someone out there who appreciates you more than you’ll ever know.

More often than not, you only need to open your eyes to see that they’re right in front of you.
Happy birthday!

I know you already think I’m sweet enough,
but don’t forget to save me a slice of cake!

I’ll also be measuring the size of my
piece by how much I mean to you, so
I’m expecting a pretty huge chunk!
I’m sending big birthday kisses and my most special wishes to a very special birthday boy today! I hope your day is a truly spectacular one, handsome!
If you look good on any ordinary
day, I can’t even imagine how
amazing you’ll look in your
birthday suit today!

Happy birthday to you, you
gorgeous human!
Sending you the biggest kiss on your
special day, you gorgeous person!

I hope you have a birthday just as
wonderful as you are!
If you close your eyes and imagine
the best gift you could receive,
you’re bound to picture me!

Great minds think alike as the best
gift I too could think of getting you
this year is me!

So here I am, for your birthday this
year, I’m all yours! Happy birthday!
I hope your special day today is as cute and adorable as you are! It should warm your heart the same way you warm mine! Have an amazing birthday!
Today is your very special day!
Happy birthday to you!

I’ve been so looking forward to
this day arriving, you wouldn’t
even believe!

I have a very special birthday
present for you this year, but
you’re going to have to wait
to see it! Anyway, just remember
that the best things in life come
to those who wait!
Happy birthday to a sweet and genuine
guy who means the absolute world to
me! I hope your special day is as lovely
as you are!
They say that friendship is a great
foundation for lasting love and romance,
and I’d say we’re pretty good friends!

Happy birthday! I hope you have a
lovely day today!
Wishing you a birthday that’s as lovely and sweet as you are! I hope everything you have been wishing for comes true today!
Congratulations and big kisses to a
particularly important man in my life who
celebrates his birthday today! If only you
knew just how special you really are to me!
Intelligent, good-looking, and hilariously funny… But that’s enough about me, today's your birthday so it should be all about you!

Happy birthday to you, my dear!

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