Birthday Wishes for Daughter and Son

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Sweet daughter, today we welcome a new year in your life. May it bring nothing but happiness to your heart. Happy birthday.
21 years have gone by fast
Oh how they have flown
My heart cherishes each one
Seeing how you have grown.

Happy 21st birthday from mom.
Happy birthday, my dearest son!
I wish you only the best:
lots of love, success and
the richest experiences.

I love you unconditionally,
and that is something that
will never change.
You are a part of me, and
that means a chunk of my
heart will always belong to you.
Happy birthday to the single most important human in my life: my precious girl! You mean more to me than I could ever put into words, and I am so incredibly lucky to have such a perfect daughter.

It truly is an honour to be your dad.

I hope you have an amazing birthday filled with joy and surrounded by love!
There is no other day more perfect
than your birthday to tell you how
incredibly proud and how much I
admire who you’ve become, my
dear son. You’ve turned out to
be a wonderful boy and the
sweetest person.

I have only the greatest love and
an abundance of pride for you.
Happy birthday from mom.
Happy first birthday to my little angel!

I want you to know that throughout your life, everything I do will always be for you.
It’s with a heart full of love that I’m
wishing you a happy birthday today,
my spectacular son.

May you never change, just continue
being you, because you’re a remarkable
young man, and I’m so proud of
everything that you do.
Happy birthday to our little cracker of a boy who turns 3 today!

All we want for you in life is for you to always be happy, sweetheart! We will do whatever we can to make sure of that.

We love you so much! 
It would be impossible for me not to cherish you as much as I do when I have a daughter as precious as you.

The adoration I have for you is greater than that I have for any other. You mean everything to me, my dear, you are my whole entire world.

I hope you have the most wonderful birthday ever today, my darling girl!
My son, I hope you have a happy birthday!

Take some time to celebrate, but also take
a moment to appreciate all of the good
things you have in your life.

Love you with all my heart!
A son like you who has created a love so true will forever be a special blessing in my life.

Happy birthday from mom, my dear boy.
My darling daughter, you have
given me one incredible year full
of the most magical moments.

It doesn’t seem possible that I
could adore you any more than
I already do, but I’m sure my love
for you will only continue to grow.

Happy first birthday, my princess.
I wish the best for you always, daughter, but just that little bit more so today. My birthday wishes for you this year come from the very bottom of my heart.
You only turn 21 once, my dear daughter,
so I hope that you may enjoy it to the
fullest! I’m sending my very best wishes
your way today, sweetie!
On your fourth birthday, our li’l queen, we’ll make sure you’re surrounded by love, happiness, big balloons and so much cake!

Love you lots, from mommy and daddy!

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