Birthday Wishes for Daughter and Son

332 happy birthday wishes found:

Happy birthday, my dear son.

Remember, always follow your dreams and never give up even when things get tough. I always have and always will believe in you.
I become prouder of you each year, son
You are the sunshine of my life
It doesn’t matter how old you get, my dear, you will always be your daddy’s little girl!

Happy birthday, sweetie!
A father’s greatest blessing
1 whole year of pure love and joy
Today is a very special day as my
not-so-little girl is turning 21.

So, what can I say about my daughter on
her 21st birthday. Well, to say that she is
the apple of my eye would be a start, but
it doesn’t really even begin to explain how
dear she is to me, deep down in my heart.

Here’s to you, daughter, and another
fabulous 21 years ahead. Happy birthday
from the proudest parent there is.
May your 21st birthday bring you happiness
May your life be blessed with happiness, son
Exactly one year ago to this day, I
received the greatest gift of my life
yet: a beautiful baby boy of my own!

Before you even entered this world,
my sweetheart, I already loved you
with all of my heart.

I’m wishing you a happy 1st birthday,
my special son!
My dear boy, I wish you a very happy
birthday today! I am so proud of you
and the direction your life is taking!
I know I’m biased but I truly believe
you are destined for great things!

Maintain your high level of commitment
in everything you do and the world
will be your oyster!

Love you lots, and have a fantastic day!
Happy birthday to my fabulous daughter
You’ll always warm your parent's hearts
Wishing a glorious 21st birthday to my gorgeous girl who today becomes a wonderful woman! Cheers to 21 years, my fabulous daughter!
I see more of myself in you each year, son
A daughter who is truly inspirational
Happy birthday, my very special son.

As your father, there is only one thing
I wish to say on your special day this
year, and that is that I am immensely
proud of you beyond words.

You continue to fill my heart with
pride simply by being the bright boy
that you are.

I’m wishing you many more wonderful
years on this promising path that you
have set for yourself.
Daughter, on your very special day this
year, we simply can’t tell you enough how
blessed we are to be the parents of such
a wonderful girl. You are our pride and joy.

Happy birthday from mom and dad.
Happy birthday to mommy’s little helper!

I have lots of fun activities planned for us to do together on your 4th birthday! We are going to have lots of fun today, my lovely boy!

The biggest joy in my life is seeing you happy and watching you develop as you get older. I hope you always have the desire to learn and grow!
Wishing the very happiest birthday to my sweet son today! You are turning into a remarkable human being, and you’re the dream son of any mom!

I hope that your special day brings you all the love and happiness you deserve and that each and every day that follows is filled with greatness!

Wishing you but the best in life, dear!
Happy birthday to my little boy who isn’t so little any more!

You are growing up so fast, my dear!
Today I am wishing my special little princess a very happy birthday!

To say I am a proud father would be an understatement. As you grow you are becoming more and more incredible.

You are so special and unique, and so beautiful inside and out. I want you to always remember that, my dear daughter.

I hope you have the very loveliest of birthdays today!
My dear daughter, I’m sending you the
warmest birthday wishes this year!

Lots of love from your affectionate mom!
Happy birthday to the best son any parent
could wish for!

You are the biggest blessing in my life and
you make me feel like the luckiest mother
in the whole world. Thank you for always
being the wonderful boy that you are.
21 years of happiness and 21 years of joy,
that’s what you have given to me each year
since you were born, my dear daughter.
Thank you for all the love and warmth you
have brought to my heart over the years.

I’m wishing you the happiest of birthdays
on this special milestone and a lovely
future ahead for you. Best birthday
wishes from mom.

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