Birthday Wishes for Elder Brother

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I’ve loved you since you were a little brother, and that love will only grow with you as you become older and a bigger brother to me.

I hope only the most heart touching day comes your way on your birthday today. Best wishes from your sister, my dear brother.
I’m laughing at the fact that you’ve
just turned another year older today,
brother, but I’m sure I won’t be
laughing when it’s my turn next!

Happy birthday!
You must be getting older, brother, since you’re finally becoming less annoying!

My own birthday wishes must have come true as growing up with an annoying brother like you, I always hoped this day would come!
Happy birthday, my dear elder brother!

While I was contemplating what I
should get you this year, a thought
came into my head.

I was thinking that since I know all of
your secrets, bro, I feel it only makes
sense that actually you should be giving
me a gift this year for being such a good
keeper of those secrets!

Judging by the number of secrets I hold
it should be a pretty big gift, too!

I’m just messing with you, bro! I love
that you trust me with these things!

Have an awesome birthday today!
Happy birthday, little brother! If there’s one thing you should’ve discovered from having an elder sibling like me is that we only get more awesome each year!
Many see getting older
As something that is
Annoying and a bore
But to me, I think it’s  
Only a good thing
As I only like you better
Each year more and more!

Happy birthday from your
Favorite younger brother, sis!
You’re another year older
So what can I say
It’s best not to think about it 
And just celebrate your day!

Happy birthday! 🎂 
I was going to buy you hair dye
this year, bro, but what’s the point
when you’ll soon be balding anyway!

Have a great birthday, my dear
elder brother!
As far as elder brothers go, you’re
alright I guess!

I mean, don’t let that go to your head,
it’s not like you’d win any awards for
the ultimate brother or anything!

I hope you have a truly wonderful
birthday this year, bro!
Happy birthday, bro!

I didn’t forget to get you a gift this year,
I simply couldn’t find anything good
enough for you!

As my elder brother, you deserve but
the best and if nothing lives up to the
very highest standards that you
deserve then it isn’t worthy!

To reiterate, I definitely didn’t forget.

I hope you have an amazing day!
Happy birthday to my favourite cousin!

I have always seen you as more of a little brother rather than a cousin, as you are very special to me. Growing up I was always very protective of you as I’d only want the best for you, and now you’re getting older you are turning into such a wonderful person!

As always I wish only great things for you, especially today!
Happy birthday to you, bro!

I got you a nice hat for your gift this year, you know, to cover up those emerging bald spots and all the grey hair!

Thankfully, I think I’ve still got a few years before I have all of that to look forward to!

I hope you enjoy your day today, my dear elder brother!
Wishing you a very happy birthday, big bro!

Don’t feel down when people mistake you for my father rather than for my elder brother, they can obviously just sense how wise and mature you are!

It has nothing to do with the fact that you look about a million years old!

I hope you have a really great day, my dear elder brother!
Happy birthday, my dear elder brother!

You may have a few years on me, but
you will never be wiser than me!

I have the benefit of watching you
make mistakes first, so I then know
what not to do!

Thanks for showing me the way, bro!
Happy birthday, my dear brother!

They say that as you get older you
also get wiser, but seeing as that
hasn’t happened for you yet I guess
you’re still waiting for that golden
age that sees you finally turn wiser!

Don’t worry, bro, I’m sure you’ll get
there someday!

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