Birthday Wishes for Elder Sister

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You might be older than me, but I’ll always look out and care for you as if you were my younger sister!

Happy birthday to you today!
I’ve loved you since you were a little brother, and that love will only grow with you as you become older and a bigger brother to me.

I hope only the most heart touching day comes your way on your birthday today. Best wishes from your sister, my dear brother.
Happy birthday, my lovely sister!

Don’t think of today as getting 
another year older, instead think 
of it as getting another year wiser.

And I mean let’s face it, you can 
use all the wisdom you can get!
How is it possible that you can be younger than me, yet at the same time look so much older! I guess it’s just the result of having all that wisdom and maturity!

I’m wishing you a fabulous birthday this year, my dear little sister!
Happy birthday, dear sister. It truly is heart-touching to have a beloved elder sister who I can look up to the way I do you.
Happy birthday to my wonderful sister!

Elder siblings don’t always get along with their younger brothers and sisters, however, you must be the exception with me, sis!

You’ve nurtured me and always had time for me; you’re the best elder sis I could’ve ever hoped for!
Happy birthday, baby sister!

Like the finest wine you just keep improving with age, sis! Just like your elder sister, then! 
Happy birthday, sister!

The older we’ve gotten the more I’ve grown to love you. Or maybe I’ve just gradually learned to tolerate you more over the years!

I’m just kidding with you, sis! I hope you have a great birthday and a fabulous year ahead!
As I got older, I thought the opportunity had passed and that I’d never receive a sibling. Little did I know, you were waiting around the corner to surprise me!

I never could have imagined that at this stage of my life I would receive a sister, especially one as fabulous as you! Wishing you an incredible birthday today, my dear!
My dearest twin sister, today sees us become older, wiser, and more beautiful than ever before! Our fabulousness is identical!

Here’s to us on our special day, and may this year to come be a truly wonderful one!
Happy birthday to my younger sis who is actually starting to look a lot more like my older sis! It’s funny how things change!
Sure, you’re getting older, but you’ll always be my annoying little sis! And to be totally honest, I wouldn’t have it any other way!

Happy birthday!
Don’t worry about getting older, my
dear cousin!

It happens to us all but luckily for us,
we have great genes that should see
us age more gracefully than others!
How fortunate are we!

I hope you have a birthday that’s as
beautiful and fabulous as you are!
Congratulations on getting through another year, sis! I know you couldn’t have done it without the love and support of your dear elder sibling! 
Happy birthday to my older sis who, in truth, most people think is actually my younger sis!

Wishing you an awesome day today!

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