Emotional Birthday Wishes

2400 happy birthday wishes found:

You still make my heart race and give me butterflies in my stomach.

You’ll always be that same handsome man I fell in love with!

Happy anniversary, my dear!
Many happy returns to the nicest niece
ever! You truly are a blessing, my dear,
with your funny and sweet nature.

I’m very lucky to be your aunt and I
couldn’t be any prouder of you than I
already am! Happy birthday to you!
What do you wish someone truly amazing on their special day? You wish for them to be rewarded with the same kindness that they show everybody else each and every day, of course!

Happy birthday to you today, my dear!
I can’t believe I missed the birthday of
someone so unforgettable! I’m sending 
extra special belated birthday wishes your
way to make up for it though, my dear!
I’ll always be grateful for having a daughter who is as sweet and as inspirational as you, my dear. I’m wishing you the happiest birthday possible today.
Celebrations are in order
For you today my dear friend
For you are adding another
Year to your beautiful life!

Happy birthday to you!

I hope this next chapter of
Your life brings you nothing
But success, happiness, and
Everlasting contentment!
Happy birthday!

Let’s kick-off your thirties
with a bang and celebrate
your 30th birthday in style!

Cheers, my dear!
Happy 8th birthday to you today, my dear!

I hope your party this year is an absolute blast with lots of fun, lots of gifts, and of course lots of cake! Enjoy it to the max and congratulations to you, kid!
There are few gifts as precious as finding the perfect person to live with, and it’s even rarer to find a wonderful friend in that person, too. I’m so lucky that I found all of that in you.

Happy birthday to you today, my dear. 
For a little kid, you’re so smart! You’re only 6 yet you can already do so much! I’m so excited to see how wonderfully you’ll blossom as you grow up, my dear!

I’m wishing you a very happy 6th birthday!
Happy 10th birthday, my dear!

10 is a nice round number and a very exciting age to be!

I wish you an immense amount of happiness and for you to be surrounded by nothing but lots of love on this very special birthday of yours!
You’re the one I want to spend the rest of my days with, and there is nothing in this world I am more certain of.

Happy birthday, my love!
Happy birthday to you today,
my beautiful one!

Soulmates come around but
once in a lifetime and I truly
am blessed that I found mine.

Some people can spend their
whole lives searching for what
we have with that one special
person, my dear!
Today, a very special man in my life is celebrating his birthday: my dear uncle! May your big day be as truly wonderful as you are.
You have been blessing our lives
for 25 glorious years, my dear!

You light up the lives of everyone
around you with your warm, caring
personality. You’re the life of any
party, without you there it’s just
not the same!

You are loved by so many, simply
because you’re you!

Enjoy your very special day and
look forward to everything that
awaits you in your beautiful future!

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