Hundreds or even thousands of miles could separate us but the fact would still remain: you are my best friend and you always will be, no matter the distance between us.
I’m wishing you a great day of celebrations on your birthday today, my dear!
You will always be a special person to me, as you are one of the main reasons why I love living here as much as I do. I would be crushed if you were ever to move away.
Out of all the people you could have ended up living next to and you ended up with me! Whether or not that’s lucky for you, it’s definitely a bonus for me!
I hope you enjoy your special day today, my dear. Happy birthday!
A very special child is celebrating their 3rd birthday ever today: you!
I hope you grow up to know just how unique and remarkable you are, my dear! You are surrounded by so much love that I’m certain you will be reminded of it often!
I'm sending lots of love to you today on your 3rd birthday and congratulations to your lovely parents!