Emotional Birthday Wishes

2400 happy birthday wishes found:

Your big bear hugs and your gentle kisses are all I need in life! They alone tell me how much you cherish me.

Happy anniversary, my love!
There’s a reason why you’re my ex:
I couldn’t handle just how wonderful
you are! Trying to compete with you
is exhausting!

Happy birthday for today, my dear!
Big kisses and
Warm birthday wishes
I am praying that this
Year is a special one
For you, my dear!

Happy birthday!
An amazing sister like you
There are but a few
You deserve the biggest cake
Humanly possible to make!

Sending all my love to you 
On your birthday today, sis!
I’ll never be able to repay you for the
immense happiness you’ve brought
into my life, my dear godmother.

Thank you for being the wonder that
you are! Happy birthday!
I’m praying that your birthday this year is a truly spectacular one, my dear godson!

Sending lots of love, hugs, and kisses your way today!
Like a beautiful flower
My love for you keeps
Growing and growing, 
Blossoming into something
Truly magnificent.

Our love is unconditional
It’s as pure as it comes
And I will love you always,
Until the very end of time.

Happy birthday to you,
My sweetheart.
This friendship is true
Between me and you
Meaningful and deep
A bond that will keep!

Sending lots of love and
Birthday wishes to you,
My dear friend!
Happy birthday to the one who always
sees to it that there’s never a shortage
of love in my heart. With you around,
I am guaranteed to be fully content!

May you have the most wonderful
birthday today, my dear one!
A beautiful friend deserves a beautiful
birthday, no matter where in the world
you may be celebrating it!

I hope your special day is truly fabulous
and brings as much happiness to you
as you’ve brought me over the years!

Happy birthday, my dear!
Many happy returns to you!

It’s very clear that time is your friend as it has certainly been kind to you, my dear uncle!

I just hope that I’m as lucky as you’ve been and that I age just as gracefully too!
The fact that I can actually tolerate living with you just goes to show how great of a friend you must be to me. I couldn’t live with just anyone!

I’m wishing you the happiest of birthdays today, my dear friend.
I’m wishing you a very happy
birthday today and lots of luck for
the rest of the year ahead.

You’ve done superbly up until
now, so be sure to put all your
effort into making this last academic
year of yours count, my dear.
Turning 21 is a beautiful time in any girl’s life, and I hope you truly treasure this special moment in yours, my dear. Many congratulations to you today.
You could be thousands of miles from me and still my heart would find its way to you. You are my one true love and the man I can’t wait to marry.

I hope you have an enjoyable birthday today, my dear.

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