Emotional Birthday Wishes

2400 happy birthday wishes found:

On your special day today, my love, I want you to know exactly how much you mean to me.

You are such a special man to me and a truly incredible boyfriend. You are my rock, my happiness, and my whole entire world. As long as my heart beats, it beats with love for you.

Happy birthday, my one true love.
A unique boyfriend like you deserves a
unique birthday wish!

So my love letter to you, on your birthday
this year, is to tell you that to me, you are
so incredibly dear. You are cute, sweet,
and the one who warms my heart.

Happy birthday, handsome.
Mom, I couldn’t have asked for a greater role model than you growing up!

You taught me everything I know which has made me the woman I am today, and for that, I will be forever thankful to you.

You truly are such a remarkable and special lady, and I don’t just say that because you’re my mother!

Sending you all my love today, on your special day! Happy birthday!
I am so blessed that my best friend just so happens to also be my daughter!

You can never be too close to your daughter and I wouldn't change our relationship for the world, my dear!

Wishing you lots of love and all the happiness possible on your special day! I hope you have the happiest birthday ever, my darling daughter!
They say that the best things in life come in small packages and that’s certainly true with you, little one!

I’m sending all my love and my most heartfelt birthday wishes to you today, my beautiful sister!

Have a great day!
Happy birthday to my soul sister!

We may not be related by blood,
but you are my sister in every
way imaginable. We couldn’t be
any more in sync with one another,
we simply just get each other.
I can’t imagine any two friends
could ever be so perfectly
matched as we are.

Have a fabulous day, my dear!

Big kisses! Love you!
On your special day today, may the sun shine as brightly as you do, my dear brother.

You are a ray of sunlight on any day, always bringing joy and lighting up the lives of all those around you. You truly are a very special person, brother.

May you enjoy your birthday today. Best wishes to you.
Forever and always you will be
That someone special to me.

Happy birthday, my dear.
For a person as special as you are, my dear, I’m wishing you a super spectacular day of celebration today! Happiest of birthdays to you!
A year spent with you is a year full of love! Happy anniversary, my girl!

I know that my love for you will only grow with time, and I am so excited to see what the future holds for us!
I feel your absence every day, but whenever I see something that reminds me of you it always brings a smile to my face. Happy birthday, my dear.
Wishing one of the greatest men
I know, my dear uncle, a very
happy birthday today!

I hope you have the most
amazing time!
It has gone midnight and you know what that means: you have now officially entered into your teens!

Happy 13th birthday, my dear!

I’m wishing you a great start to being a teenager and hoping that you enjoy the best years of your life!
My love for you yearns greater than this distance between us, but I find comfort knowing we’ll be back in each other’s arms before long.

Happy birthday and know that I’m thinking of you today, my handsome future husband!
On your birthday this year, my dear, I have only the sweetest prayers in my heart for you. I wish for only happiness to grace your life each and every day, but just that little bit more so on your special day.

Happy birthday to you today!

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