Today I’m wishing a happy birthday to a very special man in my life!
You’re an incredible friend, more like a brother in fact. I can’t fully express in words just how significant and integral you are to my life, my dear!
Thank you for always being there all throughout our childhood, for being someone I could love, someone I could annoy, and someone I could consistently rely on!
To be honest not much has changed over all these years; you are still all of those things and more!
There are few people in the world as kind and caring as you, my dear, and I am very fortunate that I am able to call such a wonderful human being my friend.
I'm wishing you many more glorious years filled with happiness, my friend!
For a special friend who Always goes the extra mile I hope these birthday wishes Make you grin and smile May they fill you with joy May they warm your heart Just as your friendship has Warmed mine since the start.
I’m wishing you all the happiness In the world on your special day This year, my dear best friend.
A very happy 18th birthday to you and a warm welcome to adulthood, my dear!
I am so proud of you and the wonderful woman you’ve become, and even though you truly are a grown-up now, to me, you will always be my sweet little niece.