First Birthday Wishes

45 happy birthday wishes found:

Lovely baby of mine, today marks the first year of your life, and what a year it was. Every second was filled with wonder and joy, even the less perfect moments were so special in their own way.

You are the light of my heart, the love of my life. Happy birthday, my angel!
Your very first birthday ever
You are a true blessing
One year ago you came into our lives and cast upon us a beautiful light of love and happiness. It’s your first birthday, my angel, the first of many more. 

All I ask is for you to find joy in every moment of your life, my precious baby!
My cute baby boy turns 1 today
Happy first 
birthday to the 
cutest baby 
of all time! 
I hope your little 
heart will grow full of 
love and kindness; 
always smiling, 
always grateful. 

May you be the light 
that brightens the lives 
of those around you!
Dear baby, happy first birthday! May this year be the first of many many more, always filled with joy, love and health.
This is a very
special day, for
one year ago
a lovely baby
girl was born.

Happy first
birthday, princess!

May your life be
long and blessed
with happiness,
love and success.
Happy first birthday, baby boy! For twelve months you’ve been blessing our lives with joy and love.

All we want is for you to grow and never be short of happiness, and that you are able to achieve all of your dreams.

We love you!
1 year has come around so fast! Happy first birthday to the most beautiful baby!
Happy first birthday! 
We can’t believe you are 
already a year old! 
We can’t wait to watch 
you grow up, and with such 
fantastic parents, you’re 
sure to blossom into such 
a lovely person! 
We wish you a long, happy, 
healthy life, sweet little one!
Happy birthday to the newest member of the family! Today marks your first birthday, but also one whole year since you came into our lives and touched all of our hearts!

We all adore you and couldn’t have wished for a better addition to our family!

Thank you little one, for enriching our lives with so much joy!

Happy first birthday!
Happy first birthday to the most
adorable 1-year-old!

365 days, one whole year has
passed since the day you were
brought into this world, little one.

What a surreal year it has been, you
seem almost too good to be true!

I hope that you have an amazing
first birthday today, and I am
wishing you health and happiness,
year after year!
Happy birthday to our little bundle of joy, who turns one today!
We love you more than life itself!
Today you turn one, tiny baby! That means we’ve had one incredible year full of happiness and joy since you came into the world.

We can’t remember what life was like before we had you, nor would we want to. We wish you all the great things the world has to offer, and nothing less.

Happy birthday our sweet little angel, enjoy your first birthday of many more to come!
Happy first birthday to you, little one! You will not remember your first special day, but to us, this will be one of the most memorable days of our lives.

Thank you for bringing but joy and happy moments into our lives.

Today is all about you and we will shower you with gifts and give you loads of hugs.
Big birthday wishes for a
teeny tiny person!

It’s your very first birthday
and although you might not
know what’s going on, I hope
you can feel all of the love
that surrounds you, little one!

My very best wishes to you,
today and always!
Happy first birthday, little one! Let’s hope this birthday sets a precedent for all of your future birthdays yet to come!

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