First Birthday Wishes

45 happy birthday wishes found:

You’re only 1-year-old and I can already tell that you’re going to have a huge impact on this world, my darling son! Happy 1st birthday today!
Happy first birthday, sweet nephew!

Throughout your first year of life, you have brought so much happiness to our lives and given us so many precious moments!

I can’t wait for the many more wonderful memories that are yet to be made! We love you, baby boy!
My super adorable son is already a 1-year-old! No longer are we counting the months leading up to your 1st birthday, for today you've reached one whole year!

Thank you for filling my heart with so much love this past year, my darling boy!
I can’t quite believe that you’re a 1-year-old already, my sweet little princess! Since becoming your mother, you have given me the best, happiest, and most memorable year of my life so far.

Happy 1st birthday, baby girl. My wishes for you today come from the very bottom of my heart.
This first year spent with you as the newest addition to the family has been magical, baby boy! Wishing you the happiest 1st birthday with all my love, sweetheart!
As you reach a full 12 months and turn
into a gorgeous 1-year-old, I’m wishing
you a happy and healthy life ahead my
beautiful, darling daughter!
I’m so happy for you on the arrival of your new baby - you must be over the moon! May this first year of parenthood be the first happy one of many!
Today, I’m sending out the sweetest 1st birthday wishes to the sweetest and most adorable baby girl! May your first birthday fill your tiny heart with joy, princess. 
My dear baby girl
Oh how you’ve grown
In just the short time
Of one year alone!

Wishing you a lifetime
Of happiness, my
Beautiful granddaughter!
Congratulations on the safe arrival of your gorgeous newborn! He is just perfection!

Wishing you and your little bundle of joy a happy and healthy first year ahead, and hoping that you are able to get some sleep every now and then!

Wishing you all the very best!
The first year of your life was the most special year for you and for all of those around you, little princess. This year marks the beginning of your reign of love in the kingdom of our hearts.

Have a sweet birthday!
Today marks your very first year of life and your first full trip around the sun!

May there be many more happy years that await you, my little princess!

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