135 Birthday Wishes For A Friend

Happy birthday to a true friend I know I can always rely on!

Being able to spend as much time together as we do is a blessing and I don’t know what I would do if we had to go even a week without talking!

I’m so grateful to have you in my life, in and out of class! Have a great day, bestie!
I may be early this year in wishing you a
happy birthday, but as I won’t be able to
wish you well on the day, I thought it was
better to be early rather than late!

I hope that you have a smashing day,
and enjoy celebrating with all of your
wonderful family and friends!

You deserve a wonderful day! Cheers and
happy birthday, my dear friend!
There are fantastic coworkers who are a joy to work with and will go out of their way to support their peers and help their colleagues, and then there’s you!

Just kidding, my friend! I hope you have a wonderful birthday!
Is this day just special? No, it's the most special day of all. It is the birthday of my baby sis. Your birthday is even more special than my own. For this was the day I gained my best friend and companion for life.

Have an awesome birthday!
Sending you 21 wishes for your
21st birthday, my dear friend!

I hope you have the most
wonderful birthday!
Happy birthday to a prize student that we all adore!

I hope your birthday is just as special as you deserve it to be, my friend!

Wishing you all the very best for this new year of your life that starts today!
Happy birthday to me, and to you too, I guess! You are a gift that keeps on giving, my dear sister!

In you, I know that I have a friend for life and someone who will always be by my side. We will stick together forever, sis!
Happy 25th birthday, my dear friend!

The only things I want for you on this very special birthday of yours is that you are able to find happiness in everything that you do, that you smile and laugh every single day, and that your life is always filled with as many good things as possible.

I wish you only the best, my friend! A very happy 25th birthday to you!
Congratulations on your 21 wonderful years of life so far! 

Happy 21st birthday, my friend!
Sweet brother of mine, today isn’t just another day, today is the anniversary of our birth. We are so blessed to have shared life from day one; this rare opportunity makes us part of the few who get to experience just how special this is.

You are my best friend and I will love you to the very end of our days. Happy birthday to us!
Many congratulations to you on
your special day today, my friend!

It truly is a privilege to study
alongside such a wonderful senior
student such as yourself!

I’m wishing the best of luck to you
for the year ahead and beyond!
Your big two-five has finally arrived! 

I know that you’ve been anxiously awaiting this very special birthday for a while now, and it’s finally here! Now you can comfortably feel like a proper adult!

I hope that it’s everything you’ve been hoping it would be and that all of your dreams and aspirations become a reality!

Happy 25th birthday, my dear friend!
I’m sending belated birthday wishes
to you along with a sincere apology
this year, my dear friend!

Who wants all of their birthday
wishes on the same day anyway?

It’s much better to spread them out
and receive them gradually so that
you can truly appreciate each
heartfelt message!
I might well be here for the cake but
even if there was none, I would never
dessert you. I’ll always be there for you.

Happy birthday, my friend!
Happy birthday, my friend!

All those candles on your cake are really
blazing, so I’d best not add fuel to the fire
by making fun of your age!

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