135 Birthday Wishes For A Friend

Happy sixteenth birthday, my dear friend!

You will always remember today as being
your sweetest birthday of all!
Happy birthday to a cheerful and optimistic friend of mine!

Today you make the remarkable age of 40, and I know that you’ll take it in your stride and embrace it. There’s never a dull moment when you’re around, so I’m expecting your 40th to be a big hit!

Many happy returns to you on this special birthday of yours!
Happy birthday, sweetie!

We are connected by the heart and joined
by the soul. To me, you will always be
much more special than just a friend.

I’m wishing you a sensational day today
full of celebration and lovely surprises!
Happy birthday to a man who’s so old his joints creak as he moves! It’s all part of old-age, my friend!
There’s no point in being annoyed or
dwelling over the fact that I forgot your
birthday; it’s in the past now!

Happy belated birthday, my friend!
Happy birthday to you!

I hope you know that you are one of my very closest buds, and just by having you by my side brings me unlimited comfort.

You truly are the very best friend a person could have!
Happy birthday to a truly great girl.

Having a dear and supportive friend like
you who listens is more precious to me
than I can put into words.

Anyone would be lucky to have someone
like you to get them through school, and
everyone could stand to learn a thing or
two from you. You’re certainly the one I
always look to.
Your 25th birthday has come
around so fast, I can’t believe
you’re already twenty-five
percent of the way to becoming
one hundred!

I hope that this year, marking a
very special milestone, is good
to you and you have every
success possible!

Happy birthday, my friend!
You guys might think I’m barking mad for wishing my dog a happy birthday, but I’m doing it anyway! Happy birthday to my amazing, lovable best friend!
Happy birthday to you today, my dear friend.

You have been my biggest support system throughout my senior year and I am so grateful for you.
Happy birthday, my friend.

My only wish for you this year is that you
finish college with the results you’ve been
hoping for. Best of luck to you.
It looks like I hit the snooze button on your birthday and overslept, my friend! I apologize sincerely, but I hope you had a great day all the same!
Wishing you all the success and
happiness possible on your very
special birthday this year!

Turning 30 is a significant time in
anybody’s life and I hope that yours
is a memorable one to enjoy looking
back on for a long time to come!

Have an absolute blast today and
I’m sending you all my very best,
my dear friend!
Happy birthday to an individual I’m lucky
to have in my life! May the year ahead be
brighter than ever for you, my friend!
Happy birthday! Some friendships are just designed to last and ours is exactly that!

We will for sure grow old together and still be loving life and laughing away! You are my best friend and nothing will ever change that!

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