135 Birthday Wishes For A Friend

The only good thing about coming to school is that I get to spend lots of time with you!

I’m wishing you a very happy birthday today, my friend. I hope it’s fantastic and the best one yet.
I’m sending the happiest birthday
wishes to you today, my dear friend.

It truly is a wonderful blessing to
live on the same block as you.
Your birthday can’t come quickly enough, my friend! So as I can’t contain my excitement and anticipation any longer, I’m wishing you a happy birthday now!
Happy 25th birthday, my dear friend!

It’s at this point in life that many people
start to wonder what they’ve done, and
where they’re going. Well, my friend, I
can tell you that what you’ve done so
far in your life is touch the lives of so
many around you, and you’ve made
some incredible achievements.

Your impressive past only tells me
that your future will be amazing, and
that you’re heading down the best
path possible!
Happy 18th birthday!
Now the fun really starts!

Enjoy your newfound freedom
and privileges, my friend!
Happy birthday to the world’s greatest companion: my lovely dog!

You never allow me to feel lonely as you’re always right there by my side. You’re the greatest friend a human could have!

I hope you enjoy a day filled with treats and cuddles!
Happy birthday to you,
my very best friend!

I hope that your special
day today is just as
special as you are to me!

You mean the world to me
and I am very thankful for
having you in my life!
Happy birthday to the first person
I’d call with any kind of news: my
best friend! You’re always the first
person I think of, my dear!
I’m sending you many birthday
blessings today on your special
day, my wonderful friend.

Being in your company is always
a pleasure, and I owe a lot to
you for helping me fall in love
with this neighborhood as
beautifully as I have.
Even though your birthday is still days
away, I wanted to get my message in early
before your special day!

Hoping that it is the best one yet and that
your day is filled with everything great,
leaving a memorable mark you can forever
cherish and look back on!

Wishing you all the very best and a very
happy birthday, my dear friend!
My friend! I want to wish you a happy,
happy birthday!

Don’t worry, I haven’t gone crazy!
I know your birthday isn’t for another
few days yet but I just couldn’t wait
to wish you a happy birthday!

I hope you have a truly awesome day!
Today’s your special day! Happy birthday! 

Not only are you one of the funniest people I know and you always manage to make a dull day great, you’re also a great friend, too!

I hope that this year brings you everything you have been wishing for because you truly deserve it all, my friend! Have a truly amazing birthday this year!
Happy birthday to a dear friend of mine who turns forty today!

Turning forty isn’t as bad as everybody says, it’s actually quite the opposite! You are at that point in your life where you shouldn’t worry about what other people think, you should just do the things that make you happy!

I hope this first year of your forties brings you lots of smiles and loads of laughter!
Happy birthday to a genuinely lovely guy through and through!

I will always cherish our relationship, past and present, and I feel lucky to still have such an amazing ex as a friend!

I'm wishing you an absolutely wonderful day as you celebrate another year of your life today!
You have been a good friend to me
throughout our studies and I will
be sad when this year is over.

I’m wishing you all the best for the
remainder of this year and beyond.

Happiest of birthdays to you.

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