135 Birthday Wishes For A Friend

Isn’t it funny how most people mature and grow up as they age, yet you cleverly continue to defy getting older by not doing those things!

I guess that must only mean you’re getting younger then, bestie! Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to my best bud!

On your special day this year, may
all of your wildest dreams come true!
On second thoughts, maybe not
your wildest ones… 😜
Happy birthday to a dear childhood
buddy of mine! I have but the best
memories of us as kids.

I’m sending my best to you and I
hope life is treating you well and
continues to do so for many more
years to come.
Happy birthday to one of my best friends!

We’ve been buddies for so long and made it this far, so I guess I’m stuck with you for life now!
Happy birthday to my childhood bestie!

Here’s to laughing at each other’s silly jokes until we’re well into old age!
Happy birthday to you!

I’m wishing you a wonderful day today and a year ahead full of success!

All the very best to you!
Good friends like you don’t come around every day! I know that I’m very fortunate to have a gem of a human being like you in my life, and you can bet that I’ll hold on to you forever!

Happy birthday to you today, my dear!
Happy birthday, girl! Today’s your special day and I hope it’s a cute one! May you be showered with love, dozens of pretty roses, and of course, lots of cake!
Happy birthday to you today, my dear. Day in and day out, you never fail to put a smile on my face. Thank you for just being you!
How did I get so lucky to end up with a
fab roomie like you! Sometimes I have
to pinch myself to make sure it’s real!

Happy birthday to you, and here’s to
many more fun years of living together.
Don’t look so glum, chum!
It’s only another year!

At this point, one more really
doesn’t make much difference
anyway! Happy birthday, buddy!
If I was asked to pick my favourite moment that we’ve shared, it would be impossible as I have so many great memories of us together! Happy birthday, bestie!
Having you in my life is like winning the lottery each and every day! Happy birthday to the jackpot prize of friends!
I’m sorry to be the one to tell you but we’ve had a call from the fire department to say that they know how old you’re turning today and that your birthday cake is for sure going to be a fire hazard!

We’ll just have to find some other, safer way to celebrate this grand age of yours!

Happy birthday!
Happy birthday to the loveliest lady I know, who I’ve also been lucky enough to share many adventures in life with from such a young age!

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