135 Birthday Wishes For A Friend

Gal pals are a dime a dozen but you’re worth your weight in gold, my dear!

Not that I’m saying you’re heavy, just gold is very valuable! Happy birthday, bestie!
Happy birthday, buddy!

You know you’re getting older when people start telling you that it’s all downhill from here!

If I were you I’d just embrace it and if you think about it, that’s better than everything being uphill!
I miss the birthdays we used to have as
kids, but just because we’re older now
doesn’t mean they can’t still be fun!

Besides, you should have a celebration to
match your personality, so a children’s
party would be perfectly suited!

Happy birthday!
You should consider yourself very honored and particularly lucky that you are one of the few people whose birthday I can remember by heart! You must be somewhat important to me, I guess!

Have a fantastic birthday this year, buddy!
Happy birthday, girl! Remember to always believe in your dreams. You can achieve anything that you put your mind to.
The time has finally come where you’re going to feel the need to start lying about your age!

It’s okay, bud, it happens to the best of us!

Happy birthday!
Wishing you a very happy birthday from a familiar faraway land! I hope all is well your end, buddy!
Happy birthday, buddy.

I have so many magnificent memories of
the two of us as kids, too many in fact that
I couldn’t pick just one as my favorite.

Thank you for being one of the best parts
of my childhood.
Friends as precious as you are
few and far between, my dear!

I’m wishing you an absolutely
wonderful birthday today as
you celebrate another glorious
year of your life!
Bestie, my wishes for you on your very special day today are that you have a day that is just as wonderful, touching, and lovely as you are!

Happy birthday!
Another year on but yet you look
more radiant than ever!

Happy birthday you beautiful lady!
I can still remember how excited you
used to get as a kid every year when
your birthday would come around.

Years on and not much has changed!
I’m glad to see that you’re still
enthusiastic about getting older!

Happy birthday!
When I think about how long we’ve
been best friends for it just makes
me realize how old we are!

At least today is your birthday,
so you’re the one getting another
year older and not me!

Happy birthday to you!
Although I can’t be with you on your
special day, you can be sure that I’m
thinking of you anyway!

Sending you big, bright, and brilliant
birthday wishes today!
To have a boy bestie 
Who’s as great as you
Truly is a blessing to have 
As part of my crew!

I’m sending you a big bro hug 
And wishing you the coolest
And most fantastic birthday
Possible today, buddy!

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