135 Birthday Wishes For A Friend

Happy birthday to you today, pal!

So many precious memories come flooding back to me every year that your birthday comes around, reminding me of the parties we used to have as kids.

I'm blessed to have a lifelong buddy in you.
There was once a time where getting carded would offend but now at your age, it’s more of a compliment than an insult!

Happy birthday, bestie!
I was thinking that this year on your special day, I wanted to step up my gift game and get you something truly spectacular!

I knew it had to be something that would make you smile all the time and something you could treasure for many years to come, which is when I realized that you already have me!

Happy birthday, girl! 
Happy birthday, best bud!

I feel truly gutted that we can’t
be together to celebrate such
a significant day, but you can
be certain that I’m there with
you in spirit!

I’m sending my very best
wishes to you today!
Happy birthday to the person I can always count on to laugh at my stupid jokes! I’m so glad that we share the same weird sense of humour, buddy!
Happy birthday to the one who made my childhood so bright and fun!

We built a lifelong friendship from an early age, but the truth is that really we have no choice but to remain friends forever because of the stories we both could tell of one another!
There are good friends, and then there’s you! You are the gold standard of friends, my dear!

I’m hoping that your birthday this year brings you all of the happiness and joy that you are so deserving of! Happy birthday!
You can be assured that no matter how old you get, I’ll always be there right beside you to help you feel younger than you really are! Happy birthday, bestie!
Wherever you’re spending your birthday today, may it be just as spectacular as the ones that we’ve spent together before!

Have a fabulous day, girl!
May the stars guide you in your journey through life this year, my dear. Follow your heart and believe in your soul. Happy birthday.
I found happiness in you and I hope you find happiness on your special day this year! Happy birthday to you!
Another year older, girl, yet no wiser than
before! Give it a few more years and you’ll
be wiser than ever, I’m sure of it!

Happy birthday!
Best friends should never be apart on their birthday, but when it can’t be avoided they have to make up for it with some fabulous birthday wishes!

Happy birthday, bestie!
My dearest gal pal, there may be many miles that separate us physically, but you will always be right here with me in my heart.

Happy birthday to you today!
I’m sure you’ll receive many wonderful gifts today, but really what better gift is there than being able to see my beautiful face whenever you want!

Happy birthday, roomie.

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