Funny Birthday Wishes for Best Friend to Make Them Laugh

Happy birthday to you, girl!

Having a female friend like you in my life
all these years certainly is a blessing!

I’m so thankful that neither one of us has
grown up since childhood and still have
that same childish sense of humor!
Happy birthday to my boy friend
Today’s your special day, not mine
You might want to forget about your birthday but I never could! I’ll take any opportunity to remind you that you’re getting older, my friend! Happy birthday!
We’ve been friends for so many years
The candles cost more than the cake
Happy birthday to my unique best friend! I mean, you really are a one of a kind girl; you’re unlike anybody else I’ve ever met!

Whether that’s due to reasons better or for worse, I’ll leave that up to you to decide!
You must be crazy, girl
Happy birthday to my favorite weirdo
Don’t look so glum, chum!
It’s only another year!

At this point, one more really
doesn’t make much difference
anyway! Happy birthday, buddy!
I know that it’s your birthday 
today, yet I can’t help but feel 
like it’s also sort of mine too 
seeing how I’m the lucky one 
to have a best friend like you!

I hope you have a totally 
fabulous birthday, girl!
You're still the same as when we were kids
Happy birthday, crazy cat
People say as you get older, you become wiser. This is so true… about everyone else. These people obviously haven’t met you.

Don’t be mistaken, you are old. You are really old. But not the least bit smarter.

Have a great birthday, dear friend!
You’re another year older, buddy
Some things will never change, bestie
I’m sorry to be the one to tell you but we’ve had a call from the fire department to say that they know how old you’re turning today and that your birthday cake is for sure going to be a fire hazard!

We’ll just have to find some other, safer way to celebrate this grand age of yours!

Happy birthday!
Happy birthday to the best gal pal!

My wish for your birthday is to make
you smile and laugh, but that’s not
really any different to having me
around on any given day! 
Happy birthday to my closest with the mostest! I mean, just having me as a best friend your entire life is everything you could possibly need!
Having had a crazy friend like you
in my life since childhood says more
about me than it does you, I think!

I mean, I can’t be sane but at least
we can be bonkers together!

Happy birthday to you today, bestie!
Happy birthday to a big kid at heart!

I’ve known you since childhood and
I can tell you from experience that
you’re still just as fun and playful
as you were back then!

I hope you never grow up and start
acting your age, my friend!
Growing up, we shared many laughs as
kids and we’re still laughing together to
this very day!

Congratulations to you on your special day
today, my friend, and here’s to many more
years of belly-laughing moments!
Happy birthday, bestie!

I like to think that as I was such a great influence on you growing up, I’ve contributed to the wonderful person you are today! You’re welcome!
Happy birthday!

On your special day, I want to thank you for all the wonderful childhood memories we created together! I’ll cherish them until I’m too old to remember them!
Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear bestie, happy birthday to you! I know you can’t hear me singing this, so you’ll just have to imagine my beautiful voice!

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