Funny Birthday Wishes for Best Friend to Make Them Laugh

They say that you’re only ever as old as you
feel and, seeing as you certainly don’t act
your age, I think it’s safe to say that you’ll
always be younger than you really are!

Happy birthday to you, bestie!
Happy birthday, girl!

I’m so lucky to have a best friend like you!

I mean, obviously I’d be luckier if I had a
celebrity or a socialite friend who could
get me into exclusive parties, but you’ll do!
Don’t listen to anyone who tells you that
you’re getting old; they’re clearly not true
friends like I am!

In my eyes, you’ll always be as young as
you feel. So, until you start acting your
actual age you’ll be forever young!

Happy birthday, buddy!
I don’t know what I did to deserve a best friend like you, but I must have done some pretty crazy things in a previous life! Happy birthday, girl!
Happy birthday to you, my friend!

Remember, it’s never too late to
chase your dreams and become
what you want to be.

Unless, of course, your dream is
to be young again as that ship
has well and truly sailed!
Some friends come and go
But in you, I always know
Like glue, you’ll stick around
A true friendship we have found!

Happy birthday, bestie!
Happy birthday, my old friend!

When you’ve been friends for as long as
we have, you don’t really have any choice
whether or not you remain friends until
the end of time. We know far too many of
each other’s secrets to ever pull the plug
on this friendship!
Gal pals are a dime a dozen but you’re worth your weight in gold, my dear!

Not that I’m saying you’re heavy, just gold is very valuable! Happy birthday, bestie!
It’s only right that I thank you for having a birthday today, my friend, because as you know I love any excuse for a party!

All the best, buddy!
Happy birthday, buddy!

You know you’re getting older when people start telling you that it’s all downhill from here!

If I were you I’d just embrace it and if you think about it, that’s better than everything being uphill!
I miss the birthdays we used to have as
kids, but just because we’re older now
doesn’t mean they can’t still be fun!

Besides, you should have a celebration to
match your personality, so a children’s
party would be perfectly suited!

Happy birthday!
You should consider yourself very honored and particularly lucky that you are one of the few people whose birthday I can remember by heart! You must be somewhat important to me, I guess!

Have a fantastic birthday this year, buddy!
I’m not saying you are old, but your early years are now on the History Channel. Have an amazing birthday, old friend!
The time has finally come where you’re going to feel the need to start lying about your age!

It’s okay, bud, it happens to the best of us!

Happy birthday!
You are my best friend and because of that, I feel it’s my responsibility to remind you not to blow out your candles too hard today as you wouldn’t want your false teeth to come out!

Happy birthday, buddy!

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