Funny Birthday Wishes for Your Wife to Make Her Laugh

Happy birthday, honey.

I’m not going to tease you about your age or joke around on your birthday this year… I mean, the fact that you're turning such a grand age in itself is more than enough for you to deal with!
Each year that you get older,
It always amazes me how you
Haven’t grown tired of me yet!
I’m so very lucky to have found 
A truly wonderful wife like you
Who is still willing to put up
With all the silly things I do! 

You have the patience of a saint,
My love! Happy birthday to you! 
Happy birthday to the world’s best wife, from the world’s most wonderful husband! Together, we truly make a dream team, my love!
After all these years of marriage, my smile still reaches my eyes whenever I see you!

Happy birthday, my dear wife!
Happy birthday, my love! I know that you
worry about getting older but there’s really
no need, my dear.

Just think of it like this: you’re younger now
than you will be next year. If you simply keep
this in mind each year that your birthday
comes around you’ll never truly get old!
My dear wife,

Truly great husbands
Are few and far between
Which is why you’re so lucky
That you happened to find me!

Happy birthday with love,
From your love!
My lovely wife, another trip around the sun sees you turn another year older. Luckily you have a supportive husband in me to help you through this tough time!
Happy birthday to my gorgeous wife!

In my eyes, you are more beautiful
now than when we first met. Although,
it's possible that with age my eyesight
has gotten worse since then!
I hope your birthday this year is a funny one, my love! I mean, if you don’t laugh when you start thinking about your age you’ll cry instead!
I’m pretty lucky to have a wife
like you but you’re so, so incredibly
lucky to have a husband like me!

Happy birthday, my sweetheart!
Happy birthday, wifey!

I know that you’re a little sensitive about your age and turning another year older, but whenever you’re feeling old all you have to do is look at me and I guarantee you’ll instantly feel younger!
Happy birthday, my love! The only slight sign that you’re getting older is your laughter lines, and they’re only from having a funny husband like me!
Out of all the people in the world, what were the chances that two crazy kids like us would meet! In you, I truly found my soulmate.

Happy birthday, my love!

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